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    Kev in Deva

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Kev in Deva

    1. Hallo James, PM sent with regards the Japanese Victory medal. Kevin in Deva
    2. Funny I thought my name was "Kevin" for the last 46 years K E V I N in Deva
    3. Hallo Hunyadi With regards two types it might just be a manufacturing variation, I think the names were part of the original strike, it would have been far to time consuming and costly to individualy hand engrave all the medals. All medals were originaly with a gilt-colour however it was a poor job as most medals encountered nowadays have lost this gilt. Your example being tarnished dosent help Kevin in Deva.
    4. Hallo Jacky and hunyadi the names on the leaves are for places of battle I believe, I have observed this medal with two ribbons but I think the correct one is with the thin stripes. I make my assumption from pictures of original medal bars that have been offered for sale on the net*, ribbons shown bearing this medal are in over 65% of the pictures. * Not fool-proof I know but a good guide. Kevin in Deva.
    5. Hallo saschaw How about your ribbon being for the Bayern-Freistaat Jubil?umsmedaille an das 10 IR >>Konig<<, 1682 - 1932. in bronze Sorry I can only show a poor scan of the medal in question, without ribbon Kevin in Deva
    6. Hallo Tom Now thats what I call "shabby but with style" Kevin in Deva.
    7. Gentlemen while Mr. Williamson made a nice gesture to an old sub-mariner, Mr. Max Quietsch, lets not forget under whose flag he was sailing at the time, also badges of captured enemy personel were routinely removed from P.O.W. and it was not considered a crime. Also, I doubt if any members of the Merchant Marine, would have, during the U-boat "Happy Times" of WW2 or directly afterwards, considered members of the German Submarine service to have been gentlemen. Sometimes it seems our interest with "eye-candy" overshadows what had to be done to earn them, and what they were given out for. While the Nazi u-boat personel suffered heavy casualties, here under is figure given for: Allied Merchant Navy Personnel: Of 30,000 Merchant Navy personnel casualities, 23,000 were the result of U-Boat action. Most of whom have no known grave. And who have rated very little in the way of commemoration for their sacrifice in helping to stop the III reich. Kevin in Deva.
    8. Hallo Stogie I knew about Non-Com awards being on Combatant ribbon, my reference was to the quality of the picture as it was unclear to me if it was a well polished combatant medal or the steel non-com, anyway its a nice looking bar waiting to be dressed! Kevin in Deva.
    9. Hallo Gents If the Irish are running the bar then its bound to be ok Of course it has been said that the God Lord invented Alcohol to stop the Irish ruling the World So Slainte and a great big "Cead Mile Failte" to the gents who frequent the Green Drinking Machines Kevin in Deva (totaly tee total thats me )
    10. Hallo BJW "A lot of people have never, ever, asked the obvious question: What deal was struck, in order for Franco to pull out of the Axis powers during the Second World War?... And the deal was: you get to be president; we're not going to bother you... There was a deal struck... Spain became, in effect, a major access and exit point for a lot of people coming out of Germany at that time." I thought he (Franco) already was president of Spain before WW II started. "Netural" Spains contribution to the German War Effort on the Russian Front in men etc . . was very small, approximately 45,000 men by rotation, and nearly all had been withdrawn by 17th April 1944. "various tons of gold" sure they just walked into Spain from Germany with the gold hidden in the lining of their suitcases. We are being asked to believe that Spain was an escape route for Nazis while it was full of Allied Inteligence personell and none of then saw any suspicious activity?? Please Pull The Other One, its full of plastic Kruger-Rands Kevin in Deva
    11. Hallo Doc, the last ribbon (No. 6) is a Prussian 1870-71 Combatant award ribbon (same model / type used for the 1934 Hindenberg Combatant and Non-Combatants.) However it looks like the 1870-71 Steel Non-combatant medal hanging there but that could be just poor picture quality. Kevin in Deva.
    12. Hallo Christophe Some great pictures, of not so well known items, many thanks for sharing the pictures. Kevin in Deva
    13. Hallo Gents, I was surfing the satalite T.V. channels here in Romania and came across an Italian station, Rai Ono, showing live, 6 high-ranking Italian officers getting various awards for service in Irag - Afganistan- Sudan - some connection with the UN was also mentioned. Some of them had some serious racks of eye-candy What was very interesting, was the days of the old pin into the chest are gone, the medals were stuck onto the erstwhile warriors chest with Velcro!! , as each recipient jacket had a pre-positioned piece of velcro hooks sewn on the uniform, all the President had to do was slap it firmly into place, shake his hand and that was it. Kevin in Deva
    14. Hallo Rob, nice find, just Lurv the mini pity about the ribbon, but in my book all crosses and medals looks naked without one I think you have a good chance to score an original, its 99% playing the waiting game and you never know your luck, after all you were told that ribbons for the Marine Kreuz were like hens teeth and look what happened Kevin in Deva.
    15. Hallo Peter, thanks for your post, I decided to crop and high-light the metal rib on the rear of the helmet, I think part of the problem may be that where the "rib" goes under the helmet plate and fastens, maybe its damaged or off-center, as you continue down the line of the rib you will see some damage to a rivet, wether through misuse or mis-care I dont know. I will have to ask for a closer inspection when I visit Ireland next year Anybody care to quote an approxamate value, as I dont want my friend to get ripped-off if they decide to sell. Kevin in Deva.
    16. Hallo Stuart I dont think the hook is off centre but the metal strip running there might be off*, I attach another picture I cropped from the large back view, please take a look. Opps! on a previous post a question was asked with regards the colour, Kahki or Grey?, definately Kahki in colour. *What might have contributed to this is the distortion of the helmet shape, being somewhat oval in shape due to improper care in storage. Kevin in Deva
    17. Hallo Stuart, with regards your picture, I first copied it to "My Pictures" Folder then opened with "Microsoft Picture Manager", then you have the option of playing around with the "Brightness and Contrast Settings," and the "Advances Settings" (by the way I use the XP version of Microsoft) When you get the look you like just use "Save" or "Save As." It is a simple tool to use, and a better result than simply using the "Auto Correct", which can go from one extreme to the other. With regards the seams in the helmet there are 6 in number. Kevin in Deva PS Close up of the rear hook.
    18. Tony, many thanks for posting, some great images Kevin in Deva
    19. Tony, Take the sunglasses off when using the camera flash Kevin in Deva
    20. How about this?? If ya dont like I can remove it Kevin in Deva
    21. Well we must remember the award "regulations" are written by "paper-pushers" with the consideration of even-more "paper-pushers" in mind. Kevin in Deva
    22. Hallo Stuart, thanks for the information with regards the helmet and the links, (the first one didnt work but on the second it was fine). I copied and highlighted your picture, maybe all you need to do is the same, which will save the hassle of re-photographing everthing Your helmet looks good nay, great What I love about this forum is the wealth of knowledge held by members and their willingness to share, You can always learn something new here.
    23. Hallo Gentlemen, a very unique piece of history up for grabs at: http://cgi.ebay.de/ZUR-ERINNERUNG-AN-MEINE...1QQcmdZViewItem Foto-Album Kolonie Schutzgebiet China Kiautschou Tsingtau ZUR ERINNERUNG AN MEINE DIENSTZEIT IN TSINGTAU - CHINA Some very interesting pictures shown, I attach one for reference here. Well worth a look, Kevin in Deva.
    24. Hallo Terry Again thanks for your input with regards this mystery helmet, with regards the "Counts" Ha! Ha! Ha! they are all sleeping off the excess of last nights party, strange as it seems, Bucharest, Sigisoara, Tagu Mures, and a few others dark locations (well it was night-time! had lots of "Counts", "Witches", "Mummys & Daddys" etc... but most seem to have American accents, no real garlic breath amongst them Why somebody would pay such good dosh, to fly here for a one-night party is beyond me Kevin in Deva,
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