Paul R Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 I have just received the below email from Bob Lyon's wife. I have permission to share this with his friends here.Bob had a heart attack about midday Saturday, he is in the Coronary Care Unit at the Austin Hospital, they filled him with morphine for the pain, and he is stable at the moment, they are doing the test on Monday if not before. He asked me to let you all know, and he will contact you when he is well enough.GailFor those of you who do not know, he is one of our more active LW uniform forum members. He is one of those "old hands" who has has contributed to several Bender publications since the 1960s. Most importantly, he is a great person.Please keep him in your thoughts and/or prayers.
Jan Arne S Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Lets hope Bob comes up fresh and healty very soon . And all my Best Wishes to Bob . Jan Arne
Kev in Deva Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 To Bob & family, best wishes for a speedy recovery, get well soon.Kevin in Deva.
J Temple-West Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 I can only echo what has already been said?.All the best, Bob.
Alex K Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Best of wishes to Bob and his family, get well soon regardsAlex
buellmeister Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Our thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery Bob! Get Well Soon!Regards,Joel
Robin Lumsden Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 All the best, Bob.You've a lot of 'pension years' left in you yet!
Scott Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Hope you're back on your feet soon Bob!Best wishes.Scott
Paul R Posted July 16, 2007 Author Posted July 16, 2007 I forwarded his wife, Gail, the link to this thread. She wrote the following, as an update.Hi All Just an update to let you know how your old mate is going, he had another ECG this morning and an ultra sound, they both came back abnormal, they have scheduled him for an angiogram tomorrow morning. Gail
jcsanche Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 HiI am glad he is doing well. I hope for a speedy recovery.Juan
Paul R Posted July 18, 2007 Author Posted July 18, 2007 Great news!! Bob is back home again!! I look forward to seeing you soon!
Kev in Deva Posted July 18, 2007 Posted July 18, 2007 Paul, thanks for the update with regards Bob.Kevin in Deva
Bob Lyons Posted July 19, 2007 Posted July 19, 2007 Hi all,I have been overwhelmed with the support from everyone, and all I can say is a great big thanks,it has been greatly appreciated, it is an experience I don't want to go through again though, andRobin, it would have had me sitting in eternity very p***ed off, if the government had a bit of a winwith my pension, so I had to stick around!I have just zinged an e-mail out to a few people on my CC list, so to save a bit of time I will copy that and postit here, which is just a bit of my saga over the past few days, hope you like the story... I guess I should start at the beginning, and this caused a bit of mirth at the hospital when they asked me how itall happened, I went down to our local clinic last Saturday morning to have a blood test to check my cholesterol,blood sugar and prostate, as I am in the over 50 bracket and it is one of those things they say should be donefairly regularly, well, it went as it should, they had my blood, and as I had fasted for the previous night Gail said wewould drop in to Hungry Jack's for a breakfast meal on the way home. As we entered the place I started to feel reallyqueasy, and a bit light headed, so I said that I would wait in the car, and when Gail came out I was really starting tofeel sick, so I said to just drive me home, and as she started to head out I had the first stab of pain in the chest, andthen they started coming on a very regular and very quick basis, and along with a tingling sensation in my left armright down to the fingers I recognized what it was straight away (First Aid courses came in very handy for this occasion),I didn't tell Gail what I thought it was until we were nearly home, and I told her to keep driving straight to the clinic, where they called an ambulance, and I was in the emergency ward at the Austin hospital at Heidelberg within 40 minutes, andhaving treatment. It was still worth a chuckle though that the fact was that I had gone for that blood test and wound upin hospital on account of it was the cause of some smiles. My first night in hospital was spent hooked up to an ECG machine, and blood pressure etc being monitored all night,along with the first of many blood tests, my enzyme count didn't stop rising until midday Sunday, which meant that theheart was starting to stabilize itself, then I was moved into another room and still continually monitored, along with theblood testing (which continued until I left the place yesterday), and nurses fussing about every minute virtually. I wentfor an ultrasound on my heart on Monday morning, which showed up the problem, and that was a closed artery at thebase of the heart, so I was hauled in for an Angiogram on Tuesday, which commenced about 11:30 in the morning, andI was back in the ward just before 14:00, and then the fun started as I had to lie straight for 4 hours, then the plug in the groinwhere they went in was removed. Another 4 hours of lying on my back without moving after that, plus about 24 hours ofno food or water was starting to tell, so it was one of those procedures I would be more than happy to not have to haveagain, but I guess the words of one of the wise sages at the hospital pointed out to me, the alternative is very ordinaryindeed. (sudden death is very hard to cure apparently). I was released from the Austin yesterday afternoon, and came home, I did feel very ordinary yesterday, but do feel a lotbetter this morning, I have had my first dose of the pills that I now have to take for the rest of my life, and am slowly workingmy way through all of the fantastic e-mails that have been sent through from some fabulous people, (see, I do have a heart!!). I really have been greatly overwhelmed with the amount of support that has been passed my way, and also to Gail, who I haveput through the wringer well and truly over the past few days, and without her I would have been completely lost, it has beenan experience that has been scary but with the love and friendship that has come my way over the past few days I amabsolutely lost for words. The staff at the hospital were some of the greatest people that I have had fussing over me too,and I am also thrilled to still be here and able to write this and able to say a big thank you to everyone. Bob
Scott Posted July 19, 2007 Posted July 19, 2007 Whew - what a story! Glad to have you back All the best.Scott
buellmeister Posted July 19, 2007 Posted July 19, 2007 Bob, Welcome Back! Good to hear your back on track!Regards,Joel
ERIC Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Welcome home Bob - glad you are home and feeling better my friend! ERIC
PKeating Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Just saw this. Very glad to see you back, Bob! Got a nasty shock when I read Paul's post at the head of this topic.PK
Jan Arne S Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Hi Bob !Great to se You back on the Forum !Jan Arne
Bob Lyons Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Thanks guys, came as a shock to me too Paddy ! I am up and about again and am now feeling a heck of a lot better thanks.Bob
Tiger-pie Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Bob Lyons said: Thanks guys, came as a shock to me too Paddy ! I am up and about again and am now feeling a heck of a lot better thanks.BobI was wondering why you had fallen off the scope. I didn't notice this thread until this morning! Glad that your up and about againBob, take care of that ticker. Regards;Johnsy
Bob Lyons Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Hi Johnsy,Feeling much better now thanks mate,Best wishesBob
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