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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Hi Chris, yes, he did have a BMVO. In fact in the photograph he is wearing both the BMV2 and BMV2X plus the BMVO. Regards Glenn
    2. Chris, Sandro, I don't believe this is the case. He does not look like General Lang and in any case Eduard Lang did not have a peace time award of a A-H Franz Josef Order Knight. In my opinion, it is Generalleutnant Ludwig Moser. General Moser had already retired before WW1 as a Generalmajor z.D. but saw service during the war, where he was awarded his second Bavarian Military Merit Order Commander's cross, this time with swords and the two classes of the Prussian Iron Cross, Clearly seen in this photo is the breast star of the Italian Order of the Crown which with hostilities long past, Herr General thought it ok to wear once again! Regards Glenn
    3. Simon, I am well thank you and hope the same with you! Yes, a Franco-German war veteran. He was awarded the Knight's cross 2nd class of the Bavarian Military Merit Order as an Unterlieutenant in 14. Infanterie-Regiment for his conduct at Sedan. Regards Glenn
    4. Hi Simon, indeed he is; Oberst Konrad Kronberger, commanding 11. Infanterie-Regiment von der Tann around 1901. Regards Glenn
    5. Just found this at § 88, sub para 1 of the same regulations: Following demobilization, the Soldbücher of those in receipt of monthly salaries (Gehaltsempfänger), i.e. officers, the pay books were to be closed down and returned to the corps intendance branch, stored for a time determined by regulations and then destroyed. Although I don't have a copy to hand of the peacetime pay regulations, one can probably extrapolate that the same thing happened when an officer retired or died in service. Regards Glenn
    6. Chaps, I am no expert on Soldbücher but I can draw your attention to the paragraph in the "Kriegs-Besoldungs-Vorschrift" of 1914. § 55. Soldbücher, sub para 1 states that All officers, officials and soldiers received a Soldbuch on entering a wartime unit if this had not already happened in peacetime. Regards Glenn
    7. Claudio, as Paul states, General Wallenberg was a Prussian and this bar is clearly also Prussian (although not General Wallenberg's). The nearest match that I can find is Hauptmann (later Oberstleutnant) Walter v. Rohrscheidt who was serving in the Prussian War Ministry at the beginning of the war and later with Infanterie-Regiment 329. His known awards were: RAO4, BMV4XKr, SA3aX, WK3X, ÖEK3K, ÖM3K. Regards Glenn
    8. Andy, I'm not sure his attachment to the Seminar for oriental languages is of any significance. He attended the seminar prior to a planned transfer to the Schutztruppen für Kamerun. It would appear that this never happened as both his transfer and posting back to Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 5 are published in the Militär-Wochenblatt by 3rd August 1914. Regards Glenn
    9. I think you mixed up the place names? Besztercebánya = Banská Bystrica = Neusohl. FJB 21 was at Besztercebánya in 1868. The commander was Oberstlieutenant Ferdinand Ritter von Perger (1823-1890) Regards Glenn
    10. Paul, he was commissioned into Train-Bataillon Nr. 4 as a Leutnant der Reserve with a Patent of seniority of 22.4.12. Regards Glenn
    11. The Generaladjutant is Feldmarschalleutnant Zdenko Prinz von Lobkowitz, Herzog zu Raudnitz. Regards Glenn
    12. Hermann, he is wearing a Prussian general officers' Überrock with the epaulettes removed. Regards Glenn
    13. David, Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 73 became the tradition holder of the former Hanoverian 7. Infanterie-Regiment. Regards Glenn
    14. Chris, this from the "Personal-Nachrichten des Heeresabwickelungsamts Bayern für das Jahr 1919" (Edition 30 of 16 June 1919 with effect 30 May 1919) gazetting Felix Pienßel's Patent of promotion to Leutnant der Reserve as of 13 March 1917. Regards Glenn
    15. Jon, I don't immediately recognise him and without any indication of place, an undecorated field officer wearing an Überrock is almost hopeless. Regards Glenn
    16. Andreas, another Dr. Metz but not the St. Goarshausen medical officer. Stabsarzt d.L. Dr. Metz of Landwehr-Regiment Nr. 87 (Nassau/Oberlahnstein) then Landwehr-Bezirk Oberlahnstein died on 13 January 1891. Regards Glenn
    17. The Vogg in 19. Infanterie-Regiment was Kurt. He was killed in action as a Fähnrich and Offizier-Stellvertreter on 11 September 1914. Born 16 March 1893 and killed at Champenoux just East of Nancy. Regards Glenn
    18. The Garde-Kürassier Oberst is Günther Victor Fürst zu Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. Regards Glenn
    19. David, I do not have a Stammliste entry for him but can tell you he was commissioned into the Königs-Infanterie-Regiment Nr, 145; Leutnant (20.3.99 E). After attending the Kriegsakademie in 1910-1912 he was transferred to the Kadettenkorps as an Oberleutnant although at the outbreak of the war was serving as an Hauptmann (1.10.13 A29a) as the Platzmajor in Wesel. I have nothing on him as regards his wartime service in WW1. Regards Glenn
    20. Heiko, why do you not think this is a Garde du Corps uniform? It is that or the Garde-Kürassier-Regiment. Another possibility is Sekonde-Lieutenant v. Kramsta of the Garde-Kürassier-Regiment. Regards Glenn
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