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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. Because its not that kind of forum-it's a veterans forum.
    2. Thanks owain! there's been an explosion of information in the past month over on another forum. one source there, who seems to be the sort of man who would know says: Fatth medals were issued post ceasefire in 1988 to vets for 8 years service. Medals are in 3 grades. Fatth grade 1 is only to senior commanders, grade 2 to Colonels-Brigadiers and 3rd class to Lt. Cols-Lts..
    3. no-this guy was in uniform in WW1. The HK shows that. he was a homefront lad. Note the lack of LS medals and state awards -but a civil LS medal. Says "technical/professional" officer type to me. The sort of thing a navy engineer/architect working at the shipyard in Kiel might have had.
    4. Oddly enough, her Majesty is also a quiet medal collector. Try writing to her directly. You may just get a response.
    5. wow! You have been busy! I rerally like those workers badges!
    6. It is Czech, but I have no clue as to what it is.
    7. Bloody eck that is a nice bar. Wait til RR sees that!!!
    8. I might also add that one sees them on car bumper stickers over here. I always give a nod to a chap with one on his car...it says, been there, done that in a simple, but elegant way.
    9. thanks Dave! It's a medal for excellent efficiency! Good stuff.
    10. wow! Thanks for the information! You know a synopsis of this would be a great little article for a medal journal somewhere out there (hint hint).
    11. Ehrlich? I was under the impression that DDR medal bars were limited to only 4 awards in most circumstances? What were the regs?
    12. Try the OMSA database. there is a book too-but it is in Chinese. translation efforts are slowly underway.
    13. Bob- Glad to see you here! I will get cracking. Most of what i have seems to be Landwehr and Baden artillery units, but the Guard histories are replete with all sorts of stuff. Have you ever searched the annual army calender? It has all sorts of neat little articles. Also, there is a CD out in Germany with 50+ regimental histories on it. CB knows where to find it. Cheers! Ulster
    14. Oh My God! .....a Partisan Association Vase-numbered! Now THAT is an anniversary present. Personally I was hoping for slippers myself, but that takes the cake.
    15. Government chart!? Egad!!! How may I obtain this chart? OMSA would love one! Thanks! Ulster
    16. There are numerous examples of germans receiving italian awards out there. There are dozens of photos and in the Wehrpass section someone can confirm gallantry awards. Also, @ 5 years ago detlev sold a bar very similar to this (with docs) of an E-boat Lt.
    17. Nice-your man started his career as a "gunner" in the old pre Anschluss Austrian artillery. Apparently he got promoted to full Corporal.
    18. So it's a valid house order and not apocryphal? The medals here look newer-more modern enameling etc. to me.
    19. Thanks Jeff-just goes to show you that odd things happen(ed). Clearly his third row of ribbons is upside down and therefore, his bar is not a single construction back piece.
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