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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. Nice. Oh, if only they had named all of them. I think these are undervalued given what people often did to get them. My neighbor got one in Vietnam for taking out a VC MG nest with a pistol.
    2. Holy Smoke! That is awesome little bar. Isnt the Austrian WW1 medal misplaced, or does that date it to 1938-39.
    3. A few years back I floated the idea of a Festshrift in honour of Seymour to Rick. He thought maybe one day, but wanted to see how things with the widow/family would settle out. The old Yankee families are incredibly private people. But I have saved all the correspondence I got from him over the past decades. I hope you all have saved yours. Edited together in a few years, it might make a great book.
    4. Rick and I spoke a bit about what might happen in the event of his death over the past few years. Rick always put me off because he thought he had time. Indeed, when I was last down at his house, looking around his study at the latest bits of yellowed paper I said, 'what happens if you get hit by a meteorite? " And he said, "Oh, the guys in Europe will get all of it and carry on". I do not know who he meant, but I hope some of the others do. The first real disaster for historical knowledge occurred when the Seymour group almost all died within 5 years of each other. decades of experience, in-depth knowledge and artifacts/papers went into dumpsters. Some of it got rescued by men who actually climbed into the dumpsters to haul it out and it ended up with Rick. God alone knows what went into the rubbish incinerator/landfill. Now several half finished projects are un-completed and my stay that way permanently. Rick was always very careful about talking about others, ESP. Research projects in the works. I have no clue as to what other scholarship is presently going on elsewhere and with his death the hub of this work is gone. I hope Glenn can pick up the pieces. Rick was the fulcrum point of this hobby in many ways, especially for me. His cheerful, humorous honesty and pure love of the history made my life a lot better and this hobby worthwhile. I am really, really going to miss him. The German collecting field is a minefield of selfishness, greed, damaged egos, psycho-emotional issues, half lies and just plain nastiness. .....as Rick said, 'small people living very small lives'....Rick shone above it all. It is good to see that even elsewhere, his gifts, skills, character and contributions are recognized.
    5. Whoa! Thanks Cousin! I was hoping for, ' he is a postmaster, 2nd class....', I had no inkling you might be able to actually find him! I took the photos with an iPad, sorry if they are too big.
    6. yup. Chelmsford. well, if the NORAID receipts are anything to go by, about 20 percent. It's in terrible condition, but hey, it's a brilliant piece of history and I reckon Sinn Fein would advocate payment of this debt, despite their recent advocacy for repudiation of every other "Anglo" debt. Note that it is payable in gold.
    7. In late 1919 Sinn Fein began to gear up for a war to take over Ireland. One of the first steps they took, besides organizing, was to attempt to garnish funds. As ever, their allies in the USA, a group of largely Irish immigrants centered around large cities, supplied cash, moral support and passion. I found this at my local flea market under a book that I literally picked up off the table for my cousin Rick (A History of Chelmsford in World War Two with biographies and medals awarded, a massive tome...mine for a mere $10). My hand literally trembled as I reached down for it amidst the old tax receipts from Boston and 100 year old Valentines cards.... This is one of the bonds sold by the IRA in its American campaign for support. Sold via the IRB and AOH, as well as advertised in newspapers, the IRA raised millions of US $ for their war. I got this for $1.....my find of the year.
    8. Good Lord! I have never seen one before. is it original? Was it worn as a broach?
    9. That is a nice older one. Yeah, the soldiers' medal, basically a life saving award, is still given sparingly. A buddy of mine in the USMC who is retiring this year said its one of the 3 medals he has that actually matters.
    10. well a post 1934 order. Once the HK x was promulgated, were not other state medals placed after Prussian ones? wONDERFUL St. Henry's medal!
    11. Alas! having just obtained the Brunswick officer rolls for waterloo, Beyer was not there. .......at least not as a Brunswicker.
    12. I believe the Orthodox thingee is a place holder for the Greek Orthodox Order. I looked him up after we got home as I was fascinated by his office as Head of the Bavarian Hartschiere, who have splendid uniforms and under Ludwig and Lola Montez, their equip page became legendary. Who knows, given what was going on in Bavaria in his lifetime he must have had some great stories to tell...."Lola Montez running giggling down the great staircase pursued by the Mad King clad only in riding boots". ....etc..
    13. More surprising...or maybe shocking...is the SOVIET chap .
    14. His eye sight is not what it was......
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