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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. When I read Lapsang Souchong i decided to post something about these Tea . Many years ago I dont know about Lapsang until I read James Michener book Centennial and the description of the savour of the Lapasang as a mix of tar and salt & smoked made me proof . It was exact ! and i liked it since then .
    2. filfoster , The question is to not forget the topic and in some moment someone feels interest again and the answer appears. I agree with you about Militaria Verlag books , a bit too expensives .
    3. The Belgians put in their service the MG08 . well ,before 1914 they used Maxims so they were accustomed to the type
    4. What a great booty ! Appears as is in some of the Hindenburg Line positions
    5. Looks as Ober Gneuss , Ober for Oberleutnant i suppose. the collar of his tunic is interesting . no Bavarian Borte , and appears as if he had retired a patch of the collar sides . Bavarian is ,the Lion buttons are clearly visible
    6. Hello Chris , Its as Deruelle says . The Saxons had MG detachments ,Abteilung ,in the Prussian model . on the pic are men of the 1st Saxony Machine Gun Detachment Number 12 in the Common Army . they were a Mounted unit ,Green Grey uniform with red collar and cuffs ,with fawn leather boots and belts , the tschako was green grey with brown leather visor and neckguard and top. curiosly the cuffs were Swedish type and not Saxon . Regarding the Saxon Tschako ,really I dont view what of funny it have. the saxons were very proud of their tschako. It continued in service after the WW1 with the Saxon Police and Gendarmerie .
    7. If I remenber well the SBs for enlisted men of Coastal Artillery were in dark grey green cloth with the badge of the Artillery in yellow braid over
    8. About the relevance its clear , And without knowledge of the history of the Czech Republic until 1939 and of the Protectorate from 1939 to 1945 is difficult to arrive to any conclusion . I posted trying to help
    9. I agree with Tifes . The newly created Czech Republic Army altough containing many ex Austro Hungarian Officers and NCOs was dominated by the Legionaries and these men dont wanted ever the slightest reference to the Imperial Army . perhaps because they were technically deserters and turncoats of the Old Army.
    10. Superb ! Sadly the Moon is more accesible than the helm . I observe that the Bavarian coat of arms and the other metal pieces appears as made of Silver,
    11. Simius , In the Hungarian Kingdom and it includes Transylvania until 1918 the oakleaf with acorns was the collar badge of Foresters either State ones or those of the private properties . Noble or not Landowners or in some cases villages or towns who owned Forests . the most common were the silver or silvered oakleafs .
    12. filfoster : all is right ! Please tell us if from the musee des etoiles someone gives you some data
    13. In fact was decisive point of his career , When he was given the command in 1932 Hitler was not Chancellor , In September of 1934 Hitler paid a visit to Goslar , Rommels Bataillon was in charge of the honours and security.or so thought Rommel . with great disgust he received the notification that the security wil be per count of the SS , He went to a local hotel were Goebbels and Himmler were taking breakfast and expressed his convictions . They gave him the reason and as it was as Rommel called the Attention of Hitler for first time
    14. filfoster, Putting apart your commentary about Germans I want to say you that if any thinks that the Germans were an are obsessive with minor details the French were and are more Byzantines. a heritage of the times of both Napoleons and the passion for the Menus Travaux ,that were inserted in the Bureaucracy of wich the Army was no small component . A colour detail . In 1914 Philip Petain was a aged Colonel freezed for his unorthodox points of view. At the outbreak of WW1 was recalled and sent assume a High Command. he marched to the front and was ascended to General . petty problem , no stars were available .an old woman of the House were Petain was lodged solved the problem. She took the stars of the uniform of her father a retired and dead General and carefully sewn it on the sleeves of Petains vareuse
    15. Hello , I dont know Why I thought that Viscountess wants information about Pre and WW1 Arzte .
    16. the Prussian , take a look to the book Rommel of Brigadier Young. Rommel was from April 1932 as Major,commander of the third Bataillon of the 17th Infantry Regiment ,a Mountain Unit stationed in Goslar .
    17. A possible reason is the following .the stars are braided in silver thread ,once aged it yellowishes . The stars on the Pre War Generals uniforms and on Horizon Blue were ever silver .
    18. Captain Carl Woldemar von Dahen after a couse in the Nikolai Staff School .St Petersburg 1863
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