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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. Hello Gentlemen ,to me this tunic belonged to King Ludwig III ,he was a man of ample waist Hello Gentlemen, General maximilian von Prittwitz was a tall and thick man , the tunic doesnt fits with him
    2. Hello. Fritz die spinne. There is no date on the pic of the Bavarians ? I asks because the man seated in the center ,a Gefreiter wears what looks as a Kunftigefriedensuniform very smart with long trousers with sous pied , and the two men seated in the extremes wears what looks as cord trousers
    3. Hello GreyC . The most probable origin of the photo is from the footage taked at the eastern front by the Vienese Cinematograph Company Sascha Films .owned by Count Alexander Sascha Kolowrat.
    4. Once I saw a similar badge and was related to British Somaliland in the post WW2
    5. Hello Stefi88, They made vulkanfiber helmets for parade use. but originally they were intended for battle use. a model was tested by the Reichswehr.model 1933 . Take a look to : CASCOS DEL SIGLO XX www cascos de coleccion / portada. yes its in Spanish but go into portada select Chile and will appear all the helmets used by Chile with pics and a green rectangle that reads Ver ficha ,select that and the helmet will appear
    6. Hello, Thanks for your time frame . I forgot that EH Karl was Kaiser Karl in 1917 when the reconquest of Cernauti.
    7. Thanks for share,very interesting! ,regarding the place of the picture of Emperor Karl with General Kraft ,a posibility is Cernauti or Czernovitz in the Bukowina,July !917 when the German Mountain Troops were under command of the Archduke Joseph and reconquered the City.
    8. Hello, Appears to be a Chilean vulkanfiber helmet .originally were manufactured by Erel ,later in Chile
    9. The Polizia of China must have used the yellowish khaki uniform with crimson facings and fawn colored leather items
    10. hello, # 2 is a beamte , probably Prussian ,but about his branch Iam not sure that he is a Paymaster, more exactly a Unterzahlmeister as the shoulder board indicates. the doubt is over the collar patch , certainly appears to be light blue with white piping , its concords with the colours of the Paymaster branch. the same the white piping on the front of the tunic ,but all the info about the Field uniform of the Prussian Paymaster dont mention Collar patch . Doctors weared a red piped Blue patch. Military Justice officials a Light blue patch piped crimson . Veterinarians a Black patch piped crimson . perhaps he is a Krankenwarter ,the personnel that keeps the discipline and security in military Hospitals .
    11. Hello GRA , Existed also the Spahis Senegalaises , from Senegal . apart the Infantry Tiralleurs .
    12. The gaberdine cloth of the tunic differs of the wool cloth normally used in the Kriegsmarine.
    13. Hello ,miles.forumcomunnity. net is a Italian forum of militaria ,the best that I know .
    14. Police General in the society uniform weared between 1960 and 1990 ,and yes incorrectly sewn patches ,
    15. Hello GreyC . My pleasure . I said State management ,more appropiate is State payment, Civil servants , beamten , were payed by the State , for reasons of rationality were grouped into Pay Groups ,Diet Klasse , well , In a Country were the Army and the State were twins , the Army modelled
    16. Hello GreyC, Stabsarzt , in a non military hospital but under State management
    17. Hello the Prussian , I dont know why, but tell me a map of which place you want to find
    18. Hello, In the Old Prussia and other German States before 1871 and after ,the Doctors with a charge in Public Hospitals were titled according with category , Assistent Arzt, Ober Assistent Arzt , Stabsarzt, Oberarzt . etc much alike as the Army doctors . that s for civilian ones . apart from this ,many doctors acting in civil Hospitals were also military doctors.
    19. Hello bazsi, well WO1 but in which unit ? the question persists .
    20. Hello bazsi, A question ,the lace on collar and cuffs is made of gold thread ? The silhouette and position of the absent insignia appears to be that of a WO1 badge of rank, the quality of the tunic points in the same direction .apart from that, the cuffs are not pointed so it is not a Royal Berkshire Regiment Tunic , the buttons are not of the RBR too The buttons bear the crest of arms with queen Victorias crown , this fact dates the buttons until 1901
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