You have brought up a topic that I have long pondered which I think is best answered, in part, by Komtur’s response.
If you think about it, people often had so many decorations that it precluded all of them being worn on a single bar at one time*. Aside from decorations from other German states, there were those from foreign countries which, depending on one’s service, could amount to quite a lot; and more likely than not, the occasion would arise where any of them should be worn. So what does one do?
1. Dismantle your bar and remount it with the appropriate decorations.
2. Have a spare bar, or bars, on hand with the appropriate “other” decorations and spangenstück on those spare bars
for the ones that are on your regular bar. I think that this is the main reason.
3. Have several “clip on” ribbon bars made up and move the decorations from bar to bar as needed. Unfortunately,
except for the old style trapezoids, from my observations this type of bar seems to have been pretty much confined
to Bavaria.
4. This is clever. George Seymour had a bar made up of two parts held together in the middle by two hinges. The left half
had the decorations which would essentially be worn on any occasion, while the right half had foreign and other state
awards. Possibly, there was more than one right side section.
*Thinking about this leads me to ask a question. Has anyone ever seen evidence of an Imperial German officer wearing more
than one row of decorations?
Thank you for bringing this subject up Claudius and best wishes,
Wild Card