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    speedytop last won the day on September 12 2023

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    1. This book is in my collection, with a summary in Russian, French, English and German. HPR 1979 Uwe
    2. Hi, in the absence of the commander, he is (only) the leader of the Abteilung. Uwe
    3. No. The left three: Christian pieces Next: Deutsche Turnerschaft (FFFF) Right: Schlaraffia Reych No. 83 Metis (Metz), Metis-Kreuz Uwe
    4. Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Medal 1993 awarded to Manfred Woerner (Wörner), NATO Secretary General
    5. Based on the "Naval War College Review, Autumn 2017 Volume 70, Number 4" with a picture of the award ceremony for Ruge as cover and an added text it was: February 21, 1961 That is for me the most trustful source. Uwe
    6. Philip, there are many organizations with unbelieveable many decorations, that you can find so many different cases. The very early cases had seldom plastic (Plaste), the late cases are nearly all in plastic. As examples an early NVA medal for faithful service from 1959 (wooden) and an early MdI medal of merit (cardboard > Pappe).
    7. 1: It could be a different interpretation of the official (Marine) summer time (1. Mai - 30.September) > white hat. Or the three men did not find their white cap covers. 2: It is new for me, that Graf Luckner disliked the Nazis. He arranged himself for expedient reasons. Uwe
    8. Yes, they are original/official. The same plastic cases, left an older version, in the middle and right the later versions with a soft inlay. Uwe
    9. chrisnico2022 is well known, and you must read his "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für dieses Angebot": (5) Alle Artikel werden von mir grundsätzlich als Sammler- bzw. Museumsanfertigungen verkauft, da es mir nicht möglich ist das Alter bzw. die Echtheit zu garantieren. Ich bin lediglich Händler und kein vereidigter Gutachter. (5) All items are sold by me in principle as collectors or museum productions, because it is not possible for me to guarantee the age or authenticity. I am only a dealer and not a sworn appraiser. And here at the PlM is also important: "Vermutlich zwischen 1919 - 1930 gefertigt." > Probably made between 1919 - 1930, Probably made ... ! Uwe
    10. In the estate of General der Infantrie Otto von Below and in the records of the "Familienverband derer von Below" is no indication of a Grand Cross of the Red Eagle Order. Uwe
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