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    Everything posted by speedytop

    1. Hi, I think, that I must correct me to: Lerbach: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lerbach_%28Osterode_am_Harz%29 Uwe PS: Bernhard, it is training for decades.
    2. Hi, Will euch hiermit eine kleine Freude machen. Hatte mich am Sonntag photographieren lassen. Bin auch ganz schön getroffen. Ich war gerade draußen zur Fliegerabwehr. Sonst noch gesund und munter, hoffe dasselbe auch von euch lieben allen daheim. It should be the town Lebach. Uwe
    3. Hi, there is (twice wrong) written: zur steten Erinnerung > as constant reminder Uwe
    4. Hi, we are writing here about a part of Prussia in that time. Toussaint was from Sourbrodt, Renardy should have lived nearby. The two cards are printed in Malmedy. Malmedy was French from 1795 -1815, German (Prussian) from 1815 - 1920, and it is Belgian since 1920. In the Prussian time German was the main language there in Malmedy and surrounding, but a large minority spoke French (appr. 28%). Uwe
    5. Hi, the signature is from Innensenator Alfred Richter, as "Senator der Inneren Verwaltung" responsible for the police in Hamburg. Uwe
    6. Hi Lukasz, no one in the Bundeswehr must, but everybody can wear decorations. Normally, on the service uniform, he can wear a ribbon bar. The wear of medal bars is restricted for only a few official events. ZDv 37/10: "584. Orden werden in Originalgröße getragen: (1) am Tage der Aushändigung am: − Dienstanzug, − Kampfanzug, − Gesellschaftsanzug; (2) aus besonderen dienstlichen Anlässen: Auf Anordnung des Vorgesetzten vom Divisionskommandeur (oder in entsprechender Dienststellung) an aufwärts am: − Dienstanzug, − Gesellschaftsanzug; (3) bei Staatsempfängen und Staatsakten, zu denen auch zivile Teilnehmer die Orden in Originalgröße anlegen sowie bei offizieller Teilnahme an internationalen Veranstaltungen von politischer oder militärischer Bedeu- tung, wenn dazu das Anlegen der Orden in Originalgröße internationale Gepflogenheit ist, am: − Dienstanzug, − Gesellschaftsanzug; (4) aus privaten Anlässen bei besonderen gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen, bei denen neben der Uniform ausdrücklich Frack angeordnet und das Tragen von Orden erwünscht ist sowie zu Hochzeitsfeierlichkeiten, am: − Dienstanzug, − Gesellschaftsanzug." - on the day of the handing out, - special official occasions (directive by division commander or higher), - state receptions and state occasions, - special social events (e.g. wedding ceremony). Uwe
    7. Hi Alan, what do you think about medals for shooting clubs? Click on "Befestigungen": http://www.steinlueck.de/index.php?rubrik=schuetzen Uwe
    8. Ace of Aces - Honorary Army Reserve Aviator
    9. Christmas presents 1914 and 1915 by Kronprinz Wilhelm
    10. speedytop


      A good friend
    11. Hi, the prices from Hüsken are not realistic. There had been first a badge without the swastika, since 1925 for boys and since 1928 for girls. The first name was Reichsjugendabzeichen, later (since 1934?) Reichsjugendsportabzeichen (in books you can find the name Reichssportjugendabzeichen). Left Reichsjugendabzeichen, middle Reichsjugendsportabzeichen for boys, right Reichsjugendsportabzeichen for girls: Uwe
    12. Hi, we can find both, Aufklärungsabteilung 30 (30. ID) and Aufklärungsabteilung 256 (256. ID). But is it the correct correlation? And yes, the badge in Post 3 is a DRL sports badge. Uwe
    13. Hi, I think, that the seaplane is a Dornier Do 18, see e.g. the second picture in the row: http://evandrom.blogspot.de/2011/04/dornier-do-18-g-1d-2-172.html Uwe
    14. Hi Jock, it ia a diary with the name Logbuch. I think, that everybody could buy such a Logbuch in the canteen, for his personal use. To use the name Logbuch for a diary is not unusual in a Marine. Uwe
    15. Hi Paul, he left the Army as Gefreiter. See picture 3 (Gefr.) and picture 6 (Gefreiter). Uwe
    16. Hi, I support, that "... the "50" in a wreath on the wall leads to the conclusion that it is his 50th birthday, and the Ehrenzeichen is for 25 years (2nd class) ...". There is no 50 in the upper arm, and he is in my opinion to young for it. Please notice, that a man can only have the Ehrenzeichen for 25 and for 40 years, but that the same man can not have the Sonderstufe for 50 years too. And a man, who had been decorated with the Sonderstufe for 50 years, can not have the Ehrenzeichen for 25 and for 40 years before. Uwe
    17. Hi Odulf, OT to your Post Bundesmarine. Correct is in the Bundeswehr, since 1955, always Heer, Luftwaffe and Marine: For the Luftwaffe is also in use Bundesluftwaffe. For the Marine is correct Marine, Bundesmarine and since 1990 Deutsche Marine. But the Heer of the Bundeswehr was never the "Bundesheer", because that was and is the name of the Austrian land forces. Uwe
    18. Hi Jock, yes, SV is Strafvollzug, and on the document "Für vorbildliche Arbeit" you can see the location Thale and you can see in the signature the abbreviation StVE, that is Strafvollzugseinrichtung (prison). The Oberstleutnant d. SV Buttkus was the leader (Leiter) of the Strafvollzugseinrichtung Thale. See the ranks Organ Strafvollzug (SV): http://www.lbsr.cz/ddr/mdi/dvp_1.html Uwe
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