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    Everything posted by speedytop

    1. It is normal that the minister countersigns, here it is Minister Gscheidle from the ministry of transportation: Regards Uwe
    2. Hi, down right is the signature of the defence minister, Kai-Uwe von Hassel This is always the seal, also for the signature of the ministers (with changed colours for a better view): Regards Uwe
    3. Hi, it was for a "Braune Messe" on board the Cap Polonio in 1933: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php...667&start=0 The reason for a "Braune Messe" see in Post 3, "Buy German, don't buy Jewish". The ship was wrecked in 1935. Uwe
    4. Hi, the last decoration is Portugal, Order of Merit (Ordem da Benemer?ncia/Ordem do Merito), instituted 1929 http://www.ordens.presidencia.pt/ordem_merito_merito.htm Uwe
    5. Hi Tom, Hamburg d. 14. 6.1915. Sehr geehrte Schwester Hanna, f?r die gute und sorgsame Pflege, die Sie mir erwiesen haben, er- laube ich mir h?flichst durch das Geschenk dieses Bildes stets bei Ihnen im Andenken bleiben zu d?rfen. Mit nochmals recht vielem Dank f?r Ihre Bem?hungen f?r mich zeichnet ganz ergebenst Herr Untfzier Kleefisch aus C?ln 9/257. Wiedersehn. 257 = Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 257, part of the 77. Reserve-Division 9/ = 9. Kompanie C?ln (K?ln) = Cologne Untfzier = Unteroffizier (Corporal) These are special thanks for good care to a nurse with his picture. It could be, that he was in a hospital in Hamburg at that time. He was a man from Cologne, that is correct for the Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 257. I don't know, why there is the regimental No. 65 on his shoulder boards. Regards Uwe
    6. Yes, it was a part of a collection from an active NVA soldier, early in 1990. Here are some other pieces: Uwe
    7. Hi cabbell2207 Sorry, but do you really think, that both top specialist for DDR orders and decorations, Frank Bartel and Klaus H.Feder write (and talk) nonsense? Frank Bartel: see the text in Post 6. Klaus H.Feder, Auszeichnungen der Nationalen Volksarmee der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1st edition 1994: "Die Abzeichen haben keine Befestigunsdr?hte [no connection wires/hangers] f?r Flugstundenanh?nger. Diese wurden bei der Herstellung vergessen [forgotten] und sollten nachtr?glich angebracht werden. Abzeichen mit Befestigungsdr?hten kamen nicht mehr zur Verleihung." No awards with hangers . With hangers it is a later production, post DDR/NVA. Uwe
    8. Hi, in my opinion the Meister (M) pilot badge is not original, the original ones are without the hangers. Please see the Bartel catalogue from 1998, No. 781 "Stufe M (Meister) ohne Haken auf der R?ckseite" Regards Uwe
    9. Hi, I think, that there is something to be explained. A Bezirksfeldwebel is a rank in a seperated career. And I think, it is not a "Spie?". It is a "Feldwebel" with the special name "Bezirksfeldwebel", for another career the name is e.g. Zeugfeldwebel. There are several different careers (Laufbahnen) for NCOs, according to the qualification. Feuerwerker, Zahlmeister etc. Please see here, b) Unteroffiziere: http://www.agw14-18.de/selbzeug/dienstgrade.html He was promoted from Sergeant to Bezirksfeldwebel, see Post 1. Especially a "Bestallung" (appointment) is a "Bef?rderung" (promotion/advancement) or "Ernennung" (nomination) to the next rank for a man. It is not only a nomination into a position for this man. It is both, a new rank and a new position But I agree with Glenn, this is for "NCOs with experience in this field of work". It is a promotion with the signature of a brigade commander, see the document "I. A. d. B. K.", "Im Auftrag des Brigadekommandeurs". I know, that this is very difficult, not only for foreigners, also for Germans . Here is an example for a separated career (Sorry Rick, it is your thread ). Zeugfeldwebel Kiele, Offizier-Stellvertreter bei der Feldzeugmeisterei, is "in Ansehung seiner guten Eigenschaften" (in credit of his good characteristics) promoted to the new rank Zeug-Leutnant. In simple words, a fine career, from Feldwebel to Leutnant. But in a special career (Laufbahn): Regards Uwe
    10. Hi, the "Kriegskreuz f?r Zivilverdienste" is for civil services, "besondere Dienste auf zivilem Gebiet". The documents I have seen show, that it is an award for civilians. Therefore you find very seldom a photograph. 4th class averse
    11. Die Geschichte des deutschen Unteroffiziers, published by "Reichstreubund ehemaliger Berufssoldaten", Berlin 1939, page 421 and 423: "Laufbahn", "Bef?rderung": it is a rank. Regards Uwe
    12. Hi Paul, General der Flieger Kastner-Kirdorf http://www.german-militaria.de/details/d31201.html Uwe
    13. Hi, I can refer only to Frank Bartel, DDR-Spezialkatalog 1949-1990, 2nd edition 1998, page 371: "Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) ... Erinnerungsmedaille "20 Jahre DDR" 4374 Bronze goldfarben, emailliert, an samtbezogener Spange mit Auflage XX, ?bergeben mit Ehrenurkunde (1969)" With a picture on page 370, exact the medal in Post 5. Original with a case, see also Post 5 It is an SED honour award. Regards Uwe
    14. Hi, that is correct, the better medal is for meritorious party members (SED), awarded with document. Uwe
    15. Sorry, I don't know it, because I don't have the Erinnerungsmedaille with the upholstered bar. Uwe
    16. Hi Ingsoc, the first is a medal, "Medaille 20 Jahre DDR". There is also an "Ehrenmedaille 20 Jahre DDR", the same medal, but the bar upholstered with velvet. There is only one grade for the "Milit?rsportabzeichen der DDR". Regards Uwe
    17. Hi Frank, yes, I think it is for "Kraftfahrpersonal". please see here: http://www.therupturedduck.com/WebPages/Cloth/c322p.htm But it is a higher grade with a border strip for "ausgezeichnete Leistungen", for excellent achievement. Regards Uwe
    18. Rick, I assist Naxos. You know, that we had and stll have thousands of "Sch?tzenvereine" in Germany, with ranks like Major, General and Feldmarschall. And unbelievable many uniform parts. Please see one example, page 5, Ehrenfunktionen: http://www.tsv1681.de/Download/Uniformordnung.pdf Regards Uwe
    19. Hi Andy, it must be for a meeting of members of the (former) Stahlhelm in the town Magdeburg, I think in 1934 (1935?). N.S.D.F.B./ST. = Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontk?mpferbund/Stahlhelm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stahlhelm,_Bu...r_Frontsoldaten Regards Uwe
    20. Hi, it is a great differnce between a Regimentskommandeur and a Regimentsf?hrer. That is the same for e.g. a battalion or a company. The Regimentsf?hrer is only for a short time leading the regiment (temporaray commander), when the Regimentskommandeur is absent (e.g. on leave or in a training course). Normally you can find the signature of a second-in-command (for the document in the link above to kaiserscross) like this: "Der Regimentskommandeur i.V. signature (Pistorius) i.V. (in Vetretung) = as representative of (acting for) Uwe
    21. Yes, it is a battlefield promotion. am 26.7.1918 wegen Tapferkeit vor dem Feinde zum Untffz bef. 26.7.1918 [bef?rdert zum] UnterOffz wegen Tapferkeit vor dem Feinde Both say: promoted to Unteroffizier because of bravery before the enemy Uwe
    22. Hi, a user in another forum had informed me, that the bust in Post 20 is from Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, one of the first female Heroes of the Soviet Union: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoya_Kosmodemyanskaya Uwe
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