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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Adria, Thanks for the wonderful images. Paul
    2. Yes I read something about Prince Lazar but my reading of Serbo-Croat was not enough to realise the link. I once had the privilege of seeing a collar of St Lazar in a European princely residence about 25 years ago, truly amazing, unfortunately I doubt if it will ever see the light of day. Paul
    3. Thank you for the information, most useful. Paul
    4. Nice medal of the father of Serbian Archaeology, Vatrovich as well. Thanks a lot. Paul
    5. The Scilly Isles and the Netherlands were at war from 1651-1986 Paul
    6. They are both copies, the second of an RSFSR Red banner, the other bears a portrait of Ghengis Khan with Mongol inscription and is a fantasy. These are typical Chinese forgeries which bedevil Ebay unfortunately people still fall for them. Paul
    7. Kasle Given he has the Bulgarian soldiers bravery cross the recipient would be a private or NCO, unless he got commissioned late on in the war it is going to be very difficult to pin him down but still a very nice and unusual group, well done, I suspect the Weimar piece may benefit from sympathetic restoration. With best wishes, Paul
    8. Dave thanks for the explanation. I have this problem with Afghan awards and decorations where they changed for lunar to solar Hejira and around the change period they sometimes used both. Paul
    9. Well done, one has to pick through tons of dross on E-bay but it's occasions like this that make it all worth while. I wonder where the rest of medals ended up? Paul
    10. Excellent Radmilo, thanks for sharing, I especially like the poster. Paul
    11. Dear All in the next Morton and Eden auction on 27 June there is an interesting hear shaped Birthday commemorative dated 1922 (lot 40). I have since been in formed that it commemorates the 61st birthday of the important Hong-Kong businessman and philanthropist Sir Robert Hotung KBE (1862-1956) who has a large entry on Wikapedia, the reason it is his 61st Birthday is that Chinese consider their birthday to be the date of conception so that you are 1 year old when you reach 3 months. Paul
    12. Further details concerning Paul Stopin from a Portuguese article on the Orders of Christ, Avis & James of the Sword Stopin. Paul Stopin was originally a hatmaker in Paris, but one knows from him a star of the Papal Order of Christ before 1860. Also a Grand Cross set of the Portuguese Order of Christ is known by him as well as Spanish and Turkish Orders. Address: 6 rue de Montpensier, and peristyle 228-231, Palais Royal. -His successor was A. Dupetitbosq before 1880 who made Sicilian, Spanish, and Turkish orders. His name disappeared in about 1888.
    13. David thank you so much for the unit naming information, most useful. Paul
    14. Stopin is noted for making Orders of the Medjidjie around 1855-1865. They are nice quality pieces and eminently collectable. Paul
    15. Mike Sell your medals and buy it you would look so cool driving around Calgary on that. Paul
    16. It is one of many Veteran's organisations insignia. A whole collecting sphere on its own Paul
    17. Nice medal David, Welcome to the forum, look forward to hearing many more posts from you. All the best, Paul
    18. Mike That wasn't smart of him to wear the wrong China medal, though he looks less crusty in colour Paul
    19. Thanks Kris, we delayed the sale two weeks to get that little beastie in. Paul
    20. The high end prices were driven by the Oligarchs who had so much money that it was a game to see who could spend the most. Now that the Russian economy is in the doldrums and oil is cheaper than mineral water they have had to rein in their horns, The other problem is that with the high end stuff the fakes get better so much so that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the real and fake pieces which as a result a piece is considered a fake until it is unequivocally proved genuine. However with low to medium end material (up to a few thousand pounds) the market has held up much better than the Imperial material as the collector base is much more global so things such as Lenin's, Red banners &c still find ready buyers and every time we have Hero's star there always seems to be plenty of bidders. Paul
    21. Very nice to a naval recipient, if you have the medal a nice companion piece and considerably rarer. Paul
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