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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. Noel and I went to a local militaria show today. I was able to luck out and find these two insignia for a very reasonable price. The L.Bau was a small civil engineering organization within the Luftwaffe. Very little is known about this group of officials, other than their uniforms were made of stripped LW uniform parts(jackets and headgear), with the L.Bau eagle affixed to the arm. I've never seen a complete uniform in person before. The LG eagle is one that is referenced as an unknown organization. Maybe one day, its purpose will be discovered.
    2. The answer has been found. NCO aspirant within a supplemental Flak unit. These stopped being used in 1938-9. The original photo disappeared, so I will repost the image.
    3. This is a cuff title for Rommel's Afrika Korps. I have never seen one hand embroidered like that before. Definitely very interesting. I can tell you that I have not seen a reproduction like that either. Perhaps a theater made example?
    4. That is an interesting item. I would guess 60s-70s.
    5. I do not know much about the parade helmets, but this one looks like a complete fake.
    6. Am I correct in my theory that the two uniformed men closest to the camera are Colonels and the most distant is a Lt Col?
    7. Thank you! I am very interested. I like high ranking Army and Naval medical officer uniforms, with ribbon bars and etc. I always enjoy seeing our new additions. Paul
    8. Yes Andy, you are very unique and interesting my Prussian friend.
    9. Very nicely done. You have some outstanding connections. If you every find a uniform to a medical officer, please let me know. Can you please show pictures of the shoulder boards?
    10. That would look great on a similarly conditioned tunic. Nice find. It is great to see you. It has been a while.
    11. Paul R

      Afghan Medals

      Very attractive pre Soviet medals there. I wish I could ID them for you.
    12. I was wondering about the insignia. The shoulder boards look soviet, but adapted with the slide in strap on the back.
    13. Wow. That is unique. If the 1813s are real, then that display would be almost priceless.
    14. It explains perfectly. Thank you. Great uniform. Is this the version in current use?
    15. That is the think that keeps me from mentally ruling it out 100% as well. The number is etched in the exact manner as I see on unmodified awards. Regardless, I bet that the citation is going to be a true winner.
    16. You could be absolutely correct and it could be made for a veteran who wanted to upgrade/replace his original award... or... for me, too many what ifs, as the official replacements did not (that I am aware of) have original numbers erased and new numbers replaced. I hope that you are right. Anyway, I definitely want to see the research you obtain on this number when it comes in. Regards Paul
    17. That is a lot of boards. I like the set with the dogtag. Did they accompany documents or awards you picked up over the years?
    18. That is very expensive, even if real. I think that the award has an unofficial alteration. Who knows... the real veteran may have found this and had it renumbered to replace his, but no one will ever know.
    19. The numbers look like they are executed in the same manner as I am used to seeing, but I have never seen another award number removed in this manner and reissued officially. I would buy this as an altered award, for a very low price.
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