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    Mike Dwyer

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Mike Dwyer

    1. ...and that certainly explains why when I checked the 1918 Marine Rangliste he wasn't in there!
    2. In the 1914 Rangliste there's a Lt. z. Z. Werner Ackermann listed on the Prinzregent Luitpold.
    3. I'm sure someone, somewhere, will find fault, but I think they're absolutely stunning! I'm strictly an Imperial guy, but those are nice photos. :jumping:
    4. Jeff, I don't know if it's real or not, but that's the cross of The Teutonic Order of Saint Mary of Jerusalem, commonly called the Teutonic Order, which used to be an Order of Chivalry, but is now a regligious order of nuns, monks, and priests of the Catholic Church. There is still a small corps of supporters from among Germanic nobility who get to wear some type of insignia, but I don't believe they rank as knights any longer.
    5. Wow! Order of the Black Eagle, you can't get much better than that!!!! :speechless1:
    6. Robert, I believe those fellows are from the Kgl.S?chs. Garde-Reiter-Regiment which wore a kornblumenblau coat with white collar and cuffs.
    7. I'm terrible at reading the script, but I believe it states the unit is Inf. Rgt. 60, II Bn, 6th Komp. I could be wrong. If it is the 60th then it would be Infanterie-Regiment Markgraf Carl (7. Brandenburgisches) Nr.60. That would fit with the word Brandenburg on it.
    8. I'm afraid I don't have any information about the regiment's war service, but it was formed on 25 March 1899, was stationed in Schwerin and was part of the VII Armeekorps
    9. Chris, This may not mean a thing, but there are two Lt. Scheels listed in the 1914 rangliste: Lt. Scheel, Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande (2. Westf?lisches) Nr.15, and Lt. Scheel, 1. Gro?herzoglich Mecklenburgisches F?silier-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm Nr.90
    10. Was it awarded to a family member?
    11. That would be the gilt Prussian eagle worn by the 1. Brandenburisches Dragoner Regiment Nr. 2, which this fellow appears to be a member of. Soooo, he's a dragoon, not a hussar.
    12. Charles, Joe Robinson just posted a very nice article about German military service and structure at http://www.pickelhauben.net/articles/MilitaryService_08.html the part about the Landwehr is on page 2. By the way, that's a beautiful coat!!!
    13. Charles, I do not have a photo, but somewhere within the last 2-3 weeks I saw a photo that had either this uniform or a field version in it. It was a photo of a group of officers some sitting in chairs, some standing, two enlisted mess orderlies standing on each side. The photo made me think they were having after dinner cigars. In the very front row was an older officer wearing a Landwehr cavalry jacket. I'd never seen one in wear and it was the very distinctive cuffs that caught my eye. I can't find the photo now. I don't know if it was on this forum, or WAF, or Picklehaubes.com since I cruise all three of them every day.
    14. Rittmeister, Yes, the only list I have is for 1914, so it's possible your Leutnant Reimer might not be on there if he was commissioned later. I bought my rankliste on a CD from Paul Chepurko on Wehrmact Awards Forum a few years ago. At one time Detlev-Nieman was selling them http://www.detlev-niemann.de/ but I don't know if they still do. I found several links to the original sales article about Paul's CDs on both GMIC and WAF, but none of them work anymore. They're also sold here in the USA by this web site http://www.derrittmeister.com/rangliste.htm
    15. Not much you can do with only the last name. There are six Leutnant Reimers listed in the 1914 Prussian Rangliste and I guess he could be any, or none, of them. The units they are in are: Grenadier-Regiment Kronprinz (1. Ostpreu?isches) Nr.1 Infanterie-Regiment Keith (1. Ober-schlesisches) Nr.22 Ulanen-Regiment Prinz August von W?rttemberg (Posensches) Nr.10 Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr.71 Gro?komtur Lothringisches Fu?artillerie-Regiment Nr.16 Landwehrbezirk II Hamburg
    16. Chip, Thanks for the example. So am I correct in assuming if this fellow only has one litzen on his overcoat Kragenpatten then there's only one on his tunic collar too?
    17. Prinz August Wilhelm von Preussen and friend
    18. Maybe not exactly a dog of war..............................but at least a dog and someone in a military uniform! Kronprinz Wilhelm and dog
    19. The Henry the Lion is the very first, or top, cross. Since you can't really see the Henry the Lion in all it's glory here's a photo:
    20. Speaking strictly from my view as a heraldry fan, not from the very valid points about confusing designs that Rick mentions, I think they're rather neat!
    21. Chip, Yes, I saw that. Perhaps I misunderstood your earlier post, I thought you were implying that we might not be able to see the Litzen on his tunic collar because of his NCO lace and I was saying I didn't see any NCO lace which would lead me to believe more that there's only a single Litzen hiding behind that overcoat collar; because if there was double Litzen and no NCO lace you'd see the top part of the Litzen on his collar. As an NCO if he was in a double Litzen unit wouldn't there still be double Litzen on his overcoat Kragenpatten? I honestly don't know, just asking.
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