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    hucks216 last won the day on June 10

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    • Gender
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      Ipswich, Suffolk, UK
    • Interests
      Collecting German Wehrpasse, Soldbucher & Award citations. 'Outside' interests include reading history, watching Ipswich Town FC and the Ipswich Witches speedway team.

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    1. Oberst Günther-Berthold Freiherr von Ulmenstein Born: 05 Jul 1880 Died: 12 Nov 1971 Kommandeur Wehrbezirkskommando Minden (Westfr.)
    2. The Max William's book about Heydrich is worth looking at.
    3. Hauptmann Johann Martin Walter Krüger Born: 09 Nov 1897 Died: 28 Jul 1974 Highest rank reached: Oberst Chef 3./Wachtruppe Berlin Chef 3./Wachregiment Berlin Chef 3./Infanterie-Rgt GD Chef 14./Infanterie-Rgt GD Kdr III/Infanterie-Rgt GD Adjutant 76.Infanterie-Division Führerreserve OKH mFb Grenadier-Rgt 202 Kdr Füsilierregiment 202 Führerreserve OKH kommandiert zum 17.Divisionsführerlehrgang mdF 357.Infanterie-Division DKiG: 21 Oct 1943 EBS: 07 Nov 1944
    4. SS-Hauptsturmführer (F) Heinrich Emil Eduard Boltz Born: 14 July 1911 Held the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (F) in Algemeine-SS, SS-Unterscharführer in Waffen-SS & Gefreiter in Heer. Deutscher Volksverband (D V V) - O.G. Leiter Lodz Führer Deutscher Volksverband (D V V) in Polen Führer im Stab Abschnitt XXXXIII Hauptverbandsleiter der Volksdeutschen Gemeinschaft General-Gouvernement (appointed by Hans Frank) Chef im Bevölkerungswesen und Fürsorge Radom Führer im Stab Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (VoMi) - Beauftragter des Wirthschaftsamtes der VoMi für die Länder Dänemark, Slowakei, Ungarn, Rumänien, Serbien und Kroatien. 5./Infanterie-Regiment 680 (Gefreiter) SS-Einsatz-Kommando R/Süd 2./SS-Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs-Bataillon 10
    5. Example from 1922 (Source: Bundesarchiv PERS 6/473)
    6. Example from 1922 (Source: Bundesarchiv PERS 6/192)
    7. Example from 1938 (Source: Bundesarchiv PERS 6/85)
    8. Example from 1938 (Source: Bundesarchiv PERS 6/535)
    9. Two more examples dated 1929 & 1934 (Source: Bundesarchiv PERS 6/155)
    10. Interesting to see and just shows how difficult it is to try and tie an award down to any specific action. The date of an award could be the date it was signed, typed up or could be backdated to the day of the action it was issued for and there's no real way to determine which one it is.
    11. From Chris Kelly: "Two interesting Urkunden to the same recipient. Does anyone know anything about the two admirals who endorsed them?" The first signature is Theodor Kranke -
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