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    Medal bar with Danziger Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe

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    Dear forumites,

    I'd like to introduce to you my newest purchase and stimulate a topic on such very rarely seen Long Service awards of the "freie Stadt Danzig".

    Here is the medal bar:

    ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 (OEK 1909)

    ? Hamburg, Hanseatenkreuz, 1915-1918 (OEK 688)

    ? Hessen, Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen ?F?r Tapferkeit? (OEK 884)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer mit Schwertern (OEK 3803/1), Hersteller Sch. & H. (Does anyone know what this maker mark stands for?)

    ? Freie Stadt Danzig, Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen f?r 40 Jahre, 1. Stufe, 1938-1939 (OEK 3446)

    Nimmergut doesn't give any details about the number of the awardees of the Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen, but I can only speculate that they were very few hundreds, since the time gap such medals were awarded, like the Polizei-DA of Danzig, lasted a mere 1-2 years (from 1938 until 1939).



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    ...but what I really liked and convinced me to buy this very neat bar were such interesting details:

    - Same name of the dealer on the box and on the pin

    - the never seen before (at least for me... I think Rick L. would also be very interested this for his ribbon bar devices article) miniature device for the ribbon bar of the Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen!!! :speechless1::speechless1::speechless1:

    Please feel free to comment this bars...



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    Hoi Claudio!

    Lovely group as it seems rather uncommon to come across the medal bar, ribbon bar and buttonhole ribbons for the same group! Great stuff!!

    I suppose the 3 place ribbon bar was the older one being replaced by the 5 place ribbon bar when the later medals were awarded. That right?



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    I can?t remember having seen a Golden one on a Medalbar before. I have had a silver cross myself on a Medalbar, but wasn?t sure, if its original to it, as it was a simple EK 2, Honorcross with X and Danzig Cross combination. Could have been original, but could have been replaced too.

    But this one is a nice Bar without the slightest doubt, that it is okay with all the extras, it came with. The mini-device is really awesome,one of the rarest at all. :cheers:

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    Guest Rick Research

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :jumping::jumping:

    Claudio.... I am speechless! What a MAGNIFICENT and more to the point Honest-to-God REAL group!!!!!!!! :jumping::jumping:

    There must be thousands of plain old German groups that have been "improved" by sticking Danzig awards on medal bars (the heights are different so they never line up properly)... but yours is...


    And no, I have never before seen the ribbon bar mini. That is most very definitely one for the next authorized version of the Ribbon Bar Article when I get to it HERE after my WW1 awards roills work is done.

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. :jumping::jumping:

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    • 12 years later...

    A ribbon bar with the Danzig Police Long Service Award. This is the first ribbon bar with this miniature device, which I have ever seen. I wonder which device was attached to the other blue ribbon next to it.

    Best regards,




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