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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Jock, Dr. Hanke's entry in the 1939 Rangliste der Wehrmachtbeamten - Heer. Regards Glenn
    2. Chris, a Hauptmann Wilhelm Freiherr v. Hadeln (1876-1930) served with the Garde-Jäger-Bataillon and 3. GRzF although neither of the two units were at Tannenberg. Regards Glenn
    3. Andy, presumably in 1897 when it was first awarded? In fact he had been a Flügeladjutant since 24 November 1892. Regards Glenn
    4. Andy, Nimmergut gives a total of 35 awards between 1897 and 1913 in recognition of service with the military suite of König Wilhelm II. He had served as a Flügeladjutant around 1895-1897. Regards Glenn
    5. Ian, It is Maximilian Egon Fürst zu Furstenberg in the uniform of k.k. Landwehrulanenregiment Nr. 5. Regards Glenn
    6. Ed, I can't comment on weapon marking but in the absence of the company commander, usually the senior platoon commander assumed command. A company second-in-command was not on the establishment. Regards Glenn
    7. Ed, I am not quite sure what you are asking here. In the first instance a German company did not have an XO and Reserve Regiments did not exist in peacetime. Regards Glenn
    8. Matt, Georg Christian Paul Neumann, born 14 April 1878 in Danzig. Entered Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 19 as an aspirant officer (Avantageur) on 1 October 1896. Promoted to Portepee-Fähnrich on 20.5.1897 and commissioned as a Sekonde-Lieutenant 27.1.1898 (g7g). He was detached to Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr. 3 between 1 October 1902 and 30 September 1903 and attached to the Luftschiffer-Bataillon between 1 October 1903 and 30 September 1904. He attended the Kriegsakademie from 2 October 1905 to 21 July 1908 being promoted to Oberleutenant on 27.7.1908. He was furloughed to form and lead the airship establishment at Friedrichshafen from 1 October 1909 to 30 September 1911 and the airship pilots' school at Adlershof, Berlin from 1 October 1911 to 30 September 1912. He retired from the army on 26 October 1912 with the character of Hauptmann. Regards Glenn
    9. Harry Lübcke is listed in the 1912-1913 Landwehrbezirk Hamburg Rang-Liste as a captain in the Hamburg-Amerika Linie with seniority as a Kapitänleutnant der Seewehr of 22.8.07 and living at Arndtstraße 21. The Naval Ehrenrangliste has him in the Dutch East Indies at the outbreak of war where he was placed at the disposal of the consulate in Batavia. It appears he spent a spell in the clink there on account of activities against the neutrality of his hosts! Regards Glenn
    10. A member of Leutnant d.L. Richard Wahrenberger's 4. kompanie. Regards Glenn
    11. Ed, You have answered your own question: 2. Chevaulegers-Regiment Taxis. The Ulanen wore a pear shaped shoulder strap and both leading edges of the tunic front were piped in red. Regards Glenn
    12. The Führungs-Zeugniß is signed by Hauptmann (later Oberstleutnant) Fritz v. Holleufer (1856-1916). Regards Glenn
    13. Marcin, Rittmeister Bruno Picht and Oberleutnant (later Rittmeister) Heckmann. Regards Glenn
    14. He is shown with the following in the 1904/05 Ordens-Almanach: Baden Berthold des Ersten Ritterkreuz Baden Orden vom Zähringer Löwen Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse Württemberg Friedrichsorden Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse Presumably he also had the 1870/71 Commemorative and the Prussian Centenary. Regards Glenn
    15. Vince, he is shown as Karl Wilhelm Theodor in the 1873 Württemberg Rang- und Quartier-Liste. He entered the Württemberg army as a volunteer on 29 June 1866 and was commissioned on 13 April 1868 with a Patent of 2.5.68. Promoted to Premier-Lieutenant with a Patent of 18.7.70 H and to Hauptmann on 16.4.77. He was the holder of a Friedrichs Order Knight's Cross 1st Class with Swords and retired on 2 March 1888. Regards Glenn
    16. Chris, Given the number 20 on the shoulder board, I assume he is the Leutnant d.R. (27.1.08) in Peacetime in 2. Lothringisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 20, a Frankfurt a.M. Based electrical engineer. Regards Glenn
    17. Gunnar, Gustav Steinbach. I found his name in the 1912 Metz Adreßbuch. Regards Glenn
    18. That certainly corresponds with the situation given for October 1918 in a manuscript by Major a.D. Hans-Rudolf v. Stein. The battle credits for 49. Reserve-Division in this period were as follows: 14 Dec 1917 - 3 Apr 1918: Positional battles in Flanders and Artois 3 to 9 Apr 1918: Positional battles in Flanders 10 to 29 Apr 1918: Battle of Kemmel 30 Apr to 28 August 1918: Positional Warfare in Flanders Regards Glenn
    19. Chris, Oberleutnant-Proviantoffizier Engelbert Lauseker was an Austrian k.k. Landwehr quartermaster type. An Oberleutnant since 1.11.14, he was on the books of k.k. Schützenregiment Nr. 30. Leutnant-Proviantoffizier: 1.11.10 Regards Glenn
    20. Ed, the Spring 1915 reorganisations reduced the infantry establishment of the infantry division to a single brigade of three regiments. The result was that the 14. Division was left with just the 79. Infanterie-Brigade with Infanterie-Regimenter 16, 56 & 57. The former 27. Brigade was renumbered as the 100. Infanterie-Brigade (50. Infanterie-Division) keeping its original IR 53 and receiving Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 39 from 28. Brigade which was disbanded and IR 158 from the 25. Infanterie-Brigade (13. Division). Regards Glenn
    21. The book is titled "Der oberste Kriegsherr und sein Stab. Die k. u. k. Wehrmacht in Wort und Bild". Wien 1908. It is huge!! Glenn
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