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    Everything posted by GreyC

    1. Hi, Walther Schnieber got his PlM, as stated above, for the capture of Mount Matajur in Oct. 1917. However, it seems he didn´t really do what he was credited for. Instead it was Erwin Rommel, later GFM in WW2. He was so p*** off about the situation, that he wrote a complaint, supported by his battailon commander. The complaint was acknowledged and he was later awarded the PlM as well. GreyC Es betraf seine Leistungen in der Schlacht und somit auch die Deutungshoheit über die Ereignisse. Durch Falschinformationen war den höheren Kommandobehörden gemeldet worden, die Abteilung Schnieber der 12. Infanterie Division hätte den Monte Matajur als erste eingenommen.70 In Wahrheit aber hatte Oberleutnant Walther Schnieber mit seinen Männern nur einen unbedeutenden Vorgipfel des Matajur erreicht und sich anschließend ergebnislos wieder zurückgezogen. Zweifelsfrei war Rommel mit seiner Abteilung der Erste am Gipfel des Matajur. Sein schneller Durchbruch bei Luico hatte – wie gesehen – die Lage völlig geändert. Bei der Verleihung des Pour le Mérite ging Rommel aber zunächst leer aus; Schnieber erhielt stattdessen den begehrten Orden. Rommel beschwerte sich schriftlich mit Unterstützung seines Bataillonskommandeurs – und bekam Recht. So wurde schließlich auch ihm und Sproesser am 10. Dezember 1917 der Pour le Mérite verliehen.71 https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/mgzs/77/1/article-p78.xml?language=de
    2. Hi, I don´t think that a Red Cross medal was worn in front of the St. Stanislaus. What does make sense, though, is that the least "valuable" Prussian decoration was worn before the ones awarded from other states/countries. GreyC
    3. He has sold 24 items so far. If they all went for that sort of price... GreyC
    4. You can check yourself here: http://digital.wlb-stuttgart.de/sammlungen/sammlungsliste/werksansicht/?no_cache=1&tx_dlf[id]=13560&tx_dlf =1 GreyC
    5. Hi Andreas, maybe you find out more here: HStAD Bestand N 1 in Nr. 113 Identifikation (Fallakte) Laufzeit 1933-1945 Aktenart Stammbuch der NSDAP Angaben zur Person Personenname Waldschmidt, Friedrich Geburtsdatum 1873-11-03 Geburtsort Raboldshausen Wohnort Zeppelinheim Beruf Revierförster Biografische Angaben Eintritt in die Partei: 1.3.1933 1.11.1938: Personalamtsleiter 1.11.1940: Ortsgruppenleiter i.V. Informationen / Notizen Zusatzinformationen siehe auch HStAD Bestand N 1 in Nr. 176 https://arcinsys.hessen.de/arcinsys/detailAction?detailid=v436048 Laufzeit 1934 Aktenart SA-Stammliste Angaben zur Person Personenname Waldschmidt, Friedrich Geburtsdatum 1873-11-03 Geburtsort Raboldshausen, Kreis Homberg, Regierungs-Bezirk Kassel Wohnort Forsthaus Mitteldick, Neu-Isenburg, Kreis Offenbach am Main Beruf Staatsförster Biografische Angaben 05.03.1933: Eintritt in die SA; Dienststellung/-rang: Sturmführer https://arcinsys.hessen.de/arcinsys/detailAction?detailid=v5586197
    6. There it doesn´t say either. It states: "An einer im Felde zugezogenen Krankheit" "died from illness contracted in the field." Have you checked the regimental history? GreyC
    7. Congratulations! What a fine collection! GreyC
    8. Glad I could help. GreyC
    9. Hi, on official flags of the German Empire right thru to the BRD the eagle looks to the other side. GreyC
    10. Hi Laurentius and all, it´s the badge of Bremens oldest sailing club. Best, GreyC https://www.segelvereinweser.de/
    11. Thanks Peter! For me it is only important to know rhat it is American and not British. GreyC
    12. Thank you Gordon, much appreciated! GreyC
    13. Hello all! Could anybody of you tell me where this uniform belongs to GB? USA? and who would wear it? Is it police? Thanks a lot! GreyC
    14. Hi, Reinhardt is not rare as surname in Germany. Transfers from infantry to navy are. But not impossible. GreyC
    15. Hi, the first name is General Boehn (inspecting the Res. Jäger Bataillon), the Generalleutnant´s name below is Wilhelmi. Best,, GreyC
    16. Those signatures are always difficult to decipher. Had I not consulted the Kommandantenliste, I wouldn´t have come up with that name. If you know the name, the comparison is easier. GreyC
    17. Hi Johann, at that time Korvettenkapitän Erich Schultze-Jena was Kommandant der SMS Beowulf. The first word Schultze, second word Jena seems to fit. Best, GreyC
    18. Hi, Sampeling the Bremer Addressbook 1914, 1919 und 1929 did not produce results for this name. Best, GreyC
    19. Hi, for the Hanseaten-Kreuze of Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck soldiers serving on the ships of these names were elligible for the respective awards of the cities that the ships were named after. GreyC
    20. Hi, magnificent group. I don´t collect medals, but I would have bought the photos and documents, too! One of your photos seems to be a cropped version of a larger one, that I have in my collection. I wonder if there is some text on the reverse, telling place or unit? Could it be X. AK? Also interesting: although he was awarded the EKII in 1914, the Vorläufiges Besitzzeugnis is from 1917. But I guess that was a rather common practice? Congrats! GreyC Yours: Mine:
    21. If you have a name you might find his cv in the Bavarian Stammrolle via Ancesrtry, if indeed the unit was Bavarian. GreyC
    22. Hi, thanks for providing this example. Both letters "c" look quite similar. Though there are discernable differences it is well worth looking into the Portuguese possibilities. GreyC
    23. Hi, thanks for your input. I don´t think he´d be allowed to wear anything unofficial, be it royal or not on his uniform, though. But as the specialists in the German medal forum can´t solve the question, it might be foreign, handed out during a visit, or it is from a German reigning aristocrat, celebrating a certain crown jubilee or marriage anniversary, and only certain soldiers of that state were elligble. GreyC
    24. Yes, unfortunately the building no longer exists. GreyC
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