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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Very nice thing to have you now need to get the 1940 version. Paul
    2. Again a 5th class badge, and with the number quite early, as usual with this order the outer white enamel has flaked somewhat but a nice piece. Paul
    3. Early lapel ribbon version 5, etc. Baoding , very nice , relatively speaking, very rare. 5, etc. Baoding during the War of Resistance to the collar ribbon. Google translate versionPaul
    4. Thanks for the info Michael, I have seen normal size Knight's badges presumably these are non-officially made pieces. Paul
    5. Either he was an enormous man or that it is a lovely reduced sized badge. Thanks for showing Lambert. Paul
    6. Radmilo, some real eye candy, very nice for us mere mortals to see such stuff. Paul.
    7. With a nice group like that you could do a lot worse than making it an obsession. Paul
    8. Many British troops received Russian awards for Gallipoli and the western front and a bucket load of Russian decorations were given for Jutland and most had never been anywhere near a Russian, those awards specifically for Russian operations are quite scarce and sought after. Paul
    9. Yes I am sure these photos where done to show that the Germans were not all "beastly Huns" I still think Clausthal is not out of the question as they may have been taken to the camp as a form of diversion for the British officers. Paul
    10. Tim, Actually more than you think, if you add the gazetted awards to the intervention awards (many of which were not gazetted) there are many 10s of similar awards (and don't forget that group could be an RAF man who got the MC while serving with the RFC or RNAS prior to April 1918). Paul
    11. Kris, It will stop your beers staining the table. Paul
    12. Clausthal is not that far from Seesen and there was a camp there. Is it possible the photographer visited the camp and took the photos. Paul
    13. Kris, Appears to be 1810-30 type, but whether German made or not difficult to tell, certainly nice. Paul
    14. The other medals are Sweden Royal Household medals for Gustav V and VI and the piece with the red ribbon Is the Norwegian King Olav V's Commemorative medal. Paul
    15. Lars made roughly between 1898-1903 so quite possibly a miniature for a Boxer period award to a European. Paul
    16. As with many Republican Chinese Orders the Order of the Precious Tripod came in nine classes, this piece is a Fifth class neck badge and a very early piece issued soon after the foundation of the Order in 1929. All the best, Paul
    17. Morten, Looking at the young lady she must have been one of the advantages of a posting in Narvik Paul Morten, Looking at the young lady she must have been one of the advantages of a posting in Narvik Paul
    18. Have just seen the catalogue at a dealer friend of mine. It is shambolic, none of the non-British awards have warrants of appointments so one split from the group they are anonymous (and not worth anything like the figures they are quoted). The Group CVO, MBE and Great War Pair is nice, what is not mentioned (and which is a very collectable thing in its own right) is that the full ribbon bar, with the polar medals is included with the lot. There are two other named awards (apart from the Royal Geographic Medal) one a Dutch medal for the 1907-09 expedition when he reached the furthest south ever and a named American piece. Interestingly they come from a member of the family, the Polar medal is with another member and will never come up for sale and the majority of the prize medals are also with a further member of the family. Paul
    19. I have encountered one French copy of a WWII DSC but that is the only French made WWII British decoration I have seen. Paul
    20. In their defence (although I most definitely agree they should be kept together) it seems the group is already split as there is no mention of his 3 clasp polar medal and many of the multitude of world Geographical society awards he received from 1901-1910. Also the Geographical medal was awarded in 1904 for the 1902-04 expedition for which he was Third Officer aboard the Discovery. there was no 1901 expedition, only the 1898-1900 "Southern Cross" expedition in which he did not participate.. More comments when the catalogue is on line. Paul
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