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    Daniel Krause

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    Everything posted by Daniel Krause

    1. Nope. Not always. As the Albert was the basic decoration for young Officers, most had it already. The numbers of the Order of Merit and the St. Henry did increase, same as the Prussian awards of the Hohenzollern or pour le merite increased. Best, Daniel
    2. Plain old water and a bit of soap. No Chemistry. Everything else I would NOT recommend. Best, Daniel
    3. Sascha, I am sorry but Gert was wrong. I have alone 10.145 knights 2nd class with swords in my files - and thats only the Saxons. Plus ca. 1.100 awarded to Prussians and Navy, plus ca. 100 to Württemberg, plus ca. 100 to Bavaria. All in all I would guess we speak about 13.000 awards with swords. As Dave mentioned, there are many, many awards not published anymore which come out from secondary sources. Best, Daniel
    4. Uh, Dave, nice pic!!! The Marianer cross was a Donation thing. So I am fairly sure that was the case here. Have somewhere a pic of another Johanniter, who got the Marianer and Austrian Red Cross decoration for "his spending efforts". Best, Daniel
    5. To bring that thread to life again, Here my small contribution. Red Star, 4th class Order of merit and gold and silver merit medal and a spanish brigades medal. I know the ribbon is wrong. Comments welcome! Best, Daniel
    6. Alan, textbook Godet. Perfect. I am sure, the wreath indicates a Red Cross 1st class award model 1937-39. Greetings Daniel
    7. Dave is right. Odd enough, the Golden Medal ranked ABOVE the Friedrich knight 2nd class and thats why the Medal could be awarded to Lts and 1st Lts. It happened, that a guy received the Friedrich knight 2nd class with swords and had to return it as he did get the golden MMM afterwards. ...and to make it even more complicated, he could in this case be awarded the Friedrich a second time. Best, Daniel
    8. Another one: Oberkriegsgerichtsrat a.D. Alfred Schaeffer, Serving in WW1 at the dep.IX. Army Corps staff. Best, Daniel
    9. concerning the plm with oaks for field grade Officers, there were quite a few. Alone 6 Regimental Commanders, Schwerk, Forstner, Kraehe, v.Goerne, Graf Eulenburg and Reinhard, 21 General Staff Officers - among them as lowest ranking guy Major Wetzell. Best, Daniel
    10. Interesting old thread!! To keep it alive, here a piece which recently crossed my way. Good or bad? Nearly 50 grams, looks like silver. Best, Daniel
    11. Especially for EJ, Here my Counani loyal service medal. Any comments are appreciated. Best, Daniel
    12. Hallo Nicolas, born 1894, in 1914 Lt in IR 114, retired as 1st Lt after WW1, recalled in the 30ies, reached Half-Colonel. HOH3X 24.05.1918 in IR 114 and Baden Zähringer Lion knight 2nd class with swords, added a Wehrmacht long service 4th class in the 30ies and both KVK with swords in WW2. Dave Danner might tell you more about him as he has better sources about his WW2 career. Best, Daniel
    13. Hello, I' ve got this Serbian war medal and I wonder, what that bars on the ribbon might be. Can anybody help? Best, Daniel
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