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    Order of Labour Glory

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    • 1 month later...

    Speaking of Orders of labour glory .... another 1st and 2nd class sold on auction site for good money ...... not their real value but a few hundred bucks between them is worth keeping in your pocket!!

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    • 11 months later...

    These look like they were made by an Italian aquaintance of mine!? He custom makes awards of all kinds. Usually they are top quality, but are not meant to fool anyone.They always have things which stand out such as that 2nd class with the 'gold' outer edge; or an October Revolution with a gold centre plate etc...

    I know he did a few Labour Glories a year ago.

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    Yes, these Italian FAKES are especially dangerous and especially poisonous. It is a shame that so many seem to have such a high tolerance level for these shameless frauds (both the medals and the makers).

    If (IF) there is a place for copies (maybe to hang onto uniforms?), then they shoudl be CLEARLY and unambiguously marked as such.

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    When i say aquaintence, i dont neccessarily mean friend!! I just gave him some cheer when the angry massess ganged up on him!!!! Even a criminal needs comfort at times, some of them learn from it & change; some are just stupid & continue.

    I cannot see these fakes as dangerous at all, not if you know your stuff, the mistakes are clear.

    As far as copies being marked as such, that is the only way to make 'legal' fakes anyway.

    Any known British fakes can be seized & destroyed if it is not marked. I am aware that it is the same in many other countries, just in the same way as fake currency.

    I am all for copies of every thing as long they are marked as such. Some people will never afford the high price of many items, but would like a representation of it.

    It would be stupid to expect actors to do their battle scenes wearing Kutezovs & Suvorovs worth thousands; especially if they took a mud dive.

    It would be impossible for air museums to have Bristol Blenheims without them being copied as working replicas, as very few exist if none!

    Only a billionaire fool could & would send a dozen genuine spitfires into the air to do fake battle with a dozen Me 109s for the sake of an air show or film.

    If you can afford the rare things, then you are VERY lucky; but you seem to forget that some, including museums, cannot. As long these things are marked, then it really does not matter, as no one is being hurt or robbed.

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    FAKES ARE NOT DANGEROUS? Trust me that nobody is numbering a fake at the back to fool a camera!

    Of fakes are dangerous especially to the uninitiated. You've been bitten yourself and you feel very angry about that as can be seen in thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2499...mp;#entry237351

    So the "thieving wretches" are not dangerous now....?

    The least you can do is take a position as to whether you collect fakes or originals and then intelligently put forward your arguments. In life its true there are a million shades of grey. But as far as ODMs go, I only see black and white..... and occasionally red!!!


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    These fakes have clear mistakes on them; they are not marked with 'copy' ,but if you know what you are buying then you will probably not be fooled by these. Most collectors read up the subject before buying. The copies i was stung with had no stupid mistakes. They were as origionals were. These labor glories have CLEAR mistakes on them. They are dangerous to those that do not know much about these particular Orders, but not to those that do. If you have the large amount of cash needed for a Labor Glory 2nd class, then you probably will have read up on the Order's facts first. Anyone that is prepared to pay about ?500 for an item must be a totally daft not to read up on the dimensions, colors etc... Only a fool would pay a lot for an item blindly, from an unkown source, without first seeing or handling it. When i got mine, i handled them & asked questions. I had others that were genuine with me to do comparisons with.. I was very new to the hobby & thus was duped by a villain. The fakes i got were die struck from brass with genuine ribbons & kolodkas etc.. They have taken in a lot of people.

    I SAID THESE PARTICULAR FAKES ARE NOT DANGEROUS ; I DID NOT SAY ALL FAKES ARE NOT DANGEROUS. I KNOW THAT MANY FAKES ARE VERY DANGEROUS; BUT IF YOU HAVE THE CASH TO AFFORD A LABOR GLORY 2ND CLASS, & YOU ARE LOOKING TO BUY ONE, YOU WILL PROBABLY READ UP ON WHAT TO LOOK FOR & WHAT TO AVOID. THESE PARTICULAR FAKES ARE NOT DANGEROUS TO THOSE THAT KNOW THE SUBJECT. You have DELIBRATELY misquoted me in order to 'have a go', due to your apparent dislike of myself. You also make your sly insult as to my intelligence; YOU DO NOT KNOW ME; YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY INTELLIGENCE, though you probably like to imagine me as some kind of imbecile with a low i.q.?! This usually happens when somone is doubtful of their own intelligence, & has some kind of resentment. Keep your personal grudges to yourself & accept that other people have opions that differ to yours. Some collect fakes & some collect origionals; NO ONE has the right to to try & stop the other from doing what they prefer. I accept that people like the things that i hate, & i don't try to change it; NOR DO I MAKE SLY INSULTS AT THEM. YOU HATE FAKES WHICH IS YOUR CHOICE; YOU WILL HAVE TO LEARN TO ACCEPT THAT SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEM, AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REFRAIN FROM AGGRESSING TOWARDS THEIR CHOICE. I dislike fakes that are not marked as such, but i am sure you like to imagine that i love them all? Maybe you like to imagine i even make them?


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    The best lenin fakes are from 'The Regalia Specialist'.

    He can be reached via Militaria Mart. He does stunning Nazi fakes too. Good prices & VERY good quality; some are frightening though & could fool the unsuspecting.


    Further to your comment above and the one from the OOL thread where you are clearly promoting a seller of fakes, I will not waste any further time replying to your comments on this area and indulging in any possible hidden agendas that you may have.


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