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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. I got this today at a local boot sale- $2. It is as is shown, but I also got some docs and an extra ribbon which surprised me. Sooooo....for a small prize, what do you think is the missing ribbon and why? Who was this person? Hint- this person had an odd Nazi connection.
    2. Hi there= The Brunswick medal rolls are partially extant )in fact probably completely extant). I would recommend you contact John Franklin via the 1815 web page- Project Hougoment. All sorts of odds things have been popping up over the past year (like French Imperial Guard medal rolls) and certainly there are Brunswick rosters out there. Alas, I do not have them. I am hoping to garnish the Nassau and Hanoverian rolls when I go have a look at the Cumberland Hussars' court martial records in Wiesbaden next month. Thanks to the Hanovarian Military History Society, we now know that all Hussars were awarded the medal. with the probable exception of Colonel Hake.
    3. Well- I reckon Glenn J. will know who he is. The medals are the Military merit, the war medal and the officers' LS medal. I do not know about the breast star-but it looks like a higher version of the Italian Order of the iron Crown to me-which would be odd given Austro- Italian enmity @ 1900.
    4. I had forgotten about pic#4! I filed it under weddings. Yeah- all my German pics show the sword front outwards. Kev- do you have any contacts with Romanian WW2 vets who got the medal?
    5. The typical German with a Crusade medal. I have seen docs that awarded the medal up to the last week before the Romanians switched sides.
    6. Well, I'll throw in a few photos. Many Crusade medals groups i have seen often earned a Krim shield. I have always wondered if the Romanians got the shield as well.
    7. nah-sorry, I am in the midst of a blizzard Paul. This picture was liberated from the Iraqi news forum. They post @ 100 pictures a day of stuff happening all over Iraq. There are more of guys selling Saddam era medals etc. on the site.
    8. hee Heee ....I do....but I am waiting for the clipping to be confirmed. I dare not tell you as it will cause the value of that postcard to skyrocket.
    9. Indeed! ANY Chinese information is rare and much valued!
    10. You have #558!? Do you know who got it? Man, I wish they had put award dates on the books.
    11. I called the US Wardogs Assn and they are going to email me a picture of their dogs medal. I might also add that I ran into (literally-on the street walking into the grocery store) my State Senator and asked her to look into this. She has promised to do so and as she is on the Defense Committee and rather senior, maybe something will happen. She loves dogs and there is no reason the Pentagon couldn't institute something.
    12. Well no I am not sure. I seem to recall these being one of the "faked" ones- since they command such high prices. Third Reich paranoia creeps in- and old age ...memories fade.... Komiya should definitively write a book! Excellent thread chaps!! Top notch! I think this will "article of the month" ...it has my vote. p.s. sorry- I edited the thread above and made the font a bit bigger so we older guys could read it. No offense.
    13. Nice! I'd love to see pictures of these being worn. These are commonly on sale in Iraq today. This guy was selling some last Friday .
    14. Hmmmmmm....I seem to recall there was a thread about these somewhere earlier. I know there are a number of fakes of this medal, but have no idea how to spot one. The last one of these I saw was here on June 4, 2009 that Paul had helped StuW obtain. In that thread it stated that boxes were not with the medal-only bags- maybe a wartime shortage issue?
    15. NICE!!! Looks like the Defense medal is missing a star.
    16. VERY nice. The Waldeck rolls are done and this guy must've been a Captain + at least in 1940!!!! Hmmmmm...I wonder...off to the bookshelf
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