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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. Paul R

      chinese medals?

      Those are some great items. A few I have never seen before. Thank you for sharing and Nick, thank you for authenticating.
    2. Those look like Ukrainian colors. Could it be from the Ukraine?
    3. It is a wonderful looking piece. Are you able to get a note out of it?
    4. Thanks for sharing those great images. I wonder who the visiting General is in the first photo? I really am into the SHD portrait.
    5. Is there anyone who knows about these who can provide some advice? I am not experienced enough to make a determination.
    6. I have never seen one either. It would be cool if one emerged from the period photos or archives.
    7. That is a great looking zelt. I have a couple as well. They are great for displays and backdrops.
    8. You guys have impressive collections. What is the arm band with the metallic tag? I am really into the ship repair service and Luftschutz related examples.
    9. This is a very historic group. I repeat the question above- what did the grouping close out at?
    10. Nope. No one here is even discussing it. Hey kid, Thanks for helping me out. Take your own money and buy yourself a present! LOL
    11. This medal has not been awarded out as of yet. I have not heard of any plans to do so.
    12. Morten and Larry, thank you for these photos. There are some interesting details noted in the variation of insignia used.
    13. The waffenfarbe looks to be white. At darkest, maybe Lemon Yellow? The number on the button looks like a "3". Same on the shoulder board.
    14. I think that it is a woman's bravery medal for the Gulf War. Not combat related.
    15. Chris, what a great way to memorialize this soldier and emphasize the importance of this date.
    16. I agree! I really appreciate you all sharing these great photos. Are there any more out there?
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