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    Willi Brumm's Todesanzeige in the Nachrichtenblatt of the Bund IR 24.


    Brumm, Alfred Otto Willi, * 6.3.1887 in Steinfurth, Oberbarnim, † 26.11.1935 in Neuruppin

    Brumm was promoted on 3.10.14 to Lt.d.R. (Ruppin) in IR 24, and served in the field with IR 189. IR 189 was a Brandenburg regiment formed in May 1915 with companies from several regular Brandenburg regiments, including IR 24; 10./IR 189 was formerly 6./IR 24 and 11./IR 189 was formerly 11./IR 24.  Brumm was a Volksschullehrer in Herzberg, Ruppin. He also had the Austro-Hungarian Militärverdienstkreuz 3.Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration 3. Klasse.




    thanks a lot!!!

    Another until now undetected one!




    To give you all an update;


    only 426 HOH-Recipients are still missing in my list.

    With the help of a lot of people, we were able to find already 623 more HOH-holders, than Will Geile did list in his roll from 1997.





    @AlbertR, good question.

    I have to find a date to say "now it is o.k.".

    As long as I get nearly weekly additions, first names, birth/death dates, units and so, I think I will never be ready....




      On 16/08/2020 at 19:00, Mattyboy said:

    Another really late one - Lt dR Alfred Koyemann. Published in the Hamburger Anzeiger dated 20th December 1918 



    Alfred Wilhelm Koyemann was born on 15 October 1895 in Hamburg and died in 1950 in Travemünde. He was promoted to Dr.jur et rer.pol. by the University of Würzburg in 1920, and was a banker in Hamburg from the 1920s to his death.

    He entered service in Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 9 and was promoted to Leutnant der Reserve (II Hamburg) on 5.4.1916. According to the battalion history, he received the EK2 on 8.12.1915 and the Hamburg Hanseatenkreuz in 1916. He was wounded in 1915 as a Vizefeldwebel der Reserve. His brother was KIA in 1916 as a Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier in IR 162.

    Posted (edited)

    Hi Dave, 

    Thanks for the extra career info! His EKII was announced in the Hamburger Anzeiger on 31st Dec 1915, and his EKI appeared in the Hamburgischer Correspondent on 29th Oct 1917. I haven't found the HH notification yet...

    Edited by Mattyboy
    • 3 weeks later...
    Posted (edited)

    Hauptmann von der Hellen IR91

    Personal adjutant of GFM von Hindenburg (there's a small picture of him on Beyreiss book about Oldenburg's orders and medals, wearing his medal bar).

    Here's the description of his decorations:

    • Preussen: eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914; 
    • Preussen: RK des Königlichen Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern (ritzmarke „s & W”, silberstempel und „937“);
    • Oldenburg: RK 2. Klasse des Haus- und Verdienstordens von Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig mit Krone und Schwertern;
    • Oldenburg: Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2. Klasse mit Bandspange „vor dem Feinde”; 
    • Bayern: Militär-Verdienstorden 4. Klasse mit Schwertern; 
    • Sachsen: RK 1. Klasse des Albrecht-Ordens mit Schwertern (Stempel „s”); 
    • Braunschweig: Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse; 
    • Lippe-Detmold: Kriegsverdienstkreuz am Kämpferband;
    • 3. Reich: Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer; 
    • Preussen: Kronen-Orden 4. Klasse; 
    • Preussen: DA-Kreuz für 25 Dienstjahre der Offiziere; 
    • Oldenburg: RK 2. Klasse des Haus- und Verdienstordens von Herzog Peter friedrich Ludwig

    also shown here 

    Unfortunately no date for the HHOX...

    Enjoy! ;)








    Edited by Claudio
    • 3 weeks later...
      On 28/09/2020 at 09:18, Mattyboy said:

    Oblt dR Hubertus Hermstein. Published in the Schlesische Zeitung Nr 553 dated 29 October 1918 :- 



    Hermstein, Hubertus Ferdinand Alfred
    * 2.8.1885 in Komprachtschütz, Kreis Oppeln
    † 12.11.1930 in Leobschütz

    He was commissioned a Lt.d.R. (Cosel, later Ratibor) in FAR 21 on 19 December 1911, and promoted to OLt.d.R. on 9 March 1917. His death certificate lists him as a Rittergutsbesitzer in Leobschütz-Blümsdorf.

    He was the brother of Theodor Maximilian Hubertus Hermstein (*29.5.1884 in Komprachtschütz), who was an active officer in FAR 21, retiring as a Major, and later an E-Officer in the Wehrmacht, promoted to Oberst in 1942.

    Their father, Ökonomierat and Rittergutspächter Theodor Hermstein (1858-1920), was an OLt.d.L.a.D.


    Hi Dave, great info as always. Here is another one from the same publication (Nr 555 dated 29 Oct 1918). I have also saved a few death notices for some Hohenzollern recipients if anyone wants to see them.... 

    Dierig, Wolfgang - Rittm dR (Schlesische Zeitung Nr 555 - 29.10.1918).JPG

      On 28/09/2020 at 15:18, Mattyboy said:

    Hi Dave, great info as always. Here is another one from the same publication (Nr 555 dated 29 Oct 1918). I have also saved a few death notices for some Hohenzollern recipients if anyone wants to see them.... 

    Dierig, Wolfgang - Rittm dR (Schlesische Zeitung Nr 555 - 29.10.1918).JPG


    Dierig, Wolfgang, Dr.phil. 
    * 21.7.1879 in Oberlangenbielau in Schlesien, son of Kommerzienrat Friedrich Dierig (1845-1931) and Minne, geb. Bienert (1855-1920).
    † xx.5.1945 in Großgrünau, Sudetenland

    • 1.10.1898-1.10.1899 - Einjährig-Freiwilliger in HR 9
    • 18.10.1902 - Lt.d.R. of UR 11
    • 18.11.1911 - OLt.d.R.
    • 2.12.1914 - Rittm.d.R., currently in the staff of XXI.Armeekorps
    • 31.3.1920 - der Abschied bewilligt
    • After retirement, he was given the Charakter of Maj.d.R.a.D.

    Dr.phil. Wolfgang Dierig was a Fabrikbesitzer in Oberlangenbielau. He received his doctorate in chemistry from the Univ. of Breslau on 25.10.1902. He was chairman of the Christian Dierig A.G., a large textile factory founded in Oberlangbielau by his great-grandfather. The concern was expanded in 1918 by acquiring another factory in Augsburg, and Dierig Holding AG is currently headquartered in that city. In the interwar period, Wolfgang and his brother Gottfried (1889-1945) grew the company into the largest cotton textile concern in Europe. Wolfgang was also a director of Deutsche Bank. 

    Gottfried was from 1936-1938 chairman of the Reichsverband der Deutschen Industrie. Gottfried was a Lt.d.R. in HR 9, promoted to OLt.d.R. on 29.9.1917 (Pat. 15.9.1917) while commanding the MG-Kompanie of Saxon IR 105. Gottfried was also highly decorated, having received the EK1, SA3bX, EH3bX and ÖM3K in WW1.

    Both Wolfgang and Gottfried had sons who were officers in the Wehrmacht and who continued to run what was left of the family business after World War II. Both Wolfgang and Gottfried committed suicide rather than fall into Allied hands.

    Wolfgang's home in Langenbielau is now the Hotel Dębowy Bielawa hotel and spa (https://www.hoteldebowy.pl/en/history-page-125571).

    Posted (edited)

    Wow - I had no idea that Herr Dierig had such an interesting career! 

    Maximilian Müller died whilst serving with Flieger-Abt (A) 203 in 1918. I don't have the exact regiment that Gustav Müller served in. Does anybody know when these two men earned their high awards? 



    Muller, Maximilian.JPG

    Muller, Gustav.JPG

    Edited by Mattyboy

    Müller, Maximilian Heinrich Wilhelm
    * 30.7.1887 in Neumarkt in Schlesien
    † 4.4.1918 near Ailly

    Though Silesian by birth, he studied at the University of Greifswald and remained in Greifswald during his Lehramt training. Thus, he did his Einjährig-Freiwilliger year from 1.10.1911 to 30.9.1912 with IR 42. However, he was in his Seminarjahr at the König-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Breslau when the war began, and Vfw.d.R. Müller was called up in Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 10, whose regimental staff and III. Bataillon were from Breslau. Since Müller is too common a name, and the Prussians had an aversion to listing first names, I can't tell you when he was commissioned. 

    The Ailly near where Maximilian Müller died was presumably Ailly-sur-Noye, south of Amiens, site of heavy fighting in April 1918, but since he was a Beobachter, I can't say for certain. He could have been flying over Ailly-sur-Somme, just northwest of Amiens.

    Gustav Müller was commissioned into FAR 41 and died with RFAR 9 during the Spring Offensive when the Germans recaptured Albert. He was born on 18.4.18__ in Frohse/Elbe, Kreis Calbe/Saale. Albert lies on the road about halfway between Bapaume and Amiens, just north of the Somme River, and is not far from the British Somme Memorial at Thiepval. I was there a few years ago.

      On 18/08/2020 at 09:51, Daniel Krause said:

    @AlbertR, good question.

    I have to find a date to say "now it is o.k.".

    As long as I get nearly weekly additions, first names, birth/death dates, units and so, I think I will never be ready....





    That is great to hear, Daniel! 

    I think it might be helpful to have the current list of names, just so we know who you already have. It would probably also help if we had more indications about sources, for example, which regimental histories have not yet been looked into. This might make the process more efficient and systematic. 



    Hi Dave, 

    Thanks for the info, it has helped me to find a bit more on Maximilian Müller. He was promoted on 28th September 1914, and awarded the EK1 around March-April 1916. The EK1 announcement appears in the Berliner Tageblatt dated 23rd April 1916. I have also found another death notice which gives high praise from his commanding officer. 


    Muller, Maximilian - Hptm Carganico.JPG

    Muller, Maximilian - EK1.JPG


    Loeb, Friedrich "Fritz" Matthias
    * 26.3.1893 in Trier
    † 18.8.1975 in Frankfurt am Main

    He was a Lt.d.R. in Infanterie-Regiment "von Horn" Nr. 29, serving in the MG-Kompagnie, later 2. MG-Kompagnie, and was wounded three times. He was not a member of the IR 29 Offizier-Vereinigung in the 1931 membership list, and of course as a Jew would not have been permitted to be a member at the time of the 1939 list. These are the only membership lists I have, and I do not have the regimental history, so I do not know if he is mentioned there.

    After World War I, he was a Kaufmann, initially in Trier, and later in Frankfurt am Main. I don't know where he was during the Third Reich - when the Nazis annulled his German citizenship in 1939, Frankfurt was listed as his last domestic residence - but he escaped the Holocaust and returned sometime after WW2.


    Hi Dave, 

    Thanks for the interesting info on Loeb! 

    Hi Daniel, 

    Yes the Müllers are a problem in that respect. I have found another late winner, although I'm sure you have him already - Hptm Harry Nadrowski. He was still in the army in 1927, and the announcement of his HOH3x was published in 'Die Presse' (Thorn) on 03rd December 1918:- 


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