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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. Hello Admiral, Number 2 looks certainly as von Ingenohl but number 7 is not Scheer i believe , he ranks as Konteradmiral and Scheer was full Admiral by 1913, the presence of Franz Ferdinand fixes the date of the pic before 1914 and i venture 1913 as the year of the pic was shot .
    2. The man portrayed is not a NCO , a NCO dont carry oak leaves embrioidered on the collar and on the band of the kepi , the oval cockade on the kepi is Belgian , the absence of epaulettes or shoulder boards , the lack also of hungarian knots on the cuffs conduces to think in a police comissioner or a Prefet as those of France
    3. von Schjerning wears in the photo what it looks as a M1910 field grey tunic for Prussian general officers with chest pockets, rolled cuffs piped red , red piping at the front closure and around the collar, but with the blue collar patches piped in red of the Medical branch and over the patches the gold doppellitzen of the Blue Waffenrock instead of the Alt Larisch embroidery of the Other Generals . But, the 1910 tunic for Medical officers comported the use of large collar patches in blue piped red and a rear buton ,without litzen . the collar patches charged with litzen appeared with the M15 feldbluse . The shoulder boards of a Medical General were a special ones also . the Feldmutze , field grey with blue velvet band piped in red and the crown piping also red .Lampassen ? yes and red as with the peace uniform
    4. A little contribution about the combatant or no combatant classes of decorations and how were attributed . Roughly if you were positioned in the rear of the front but under the range of fire of the Heavy Artilley of the Enemy you were eligible for a combattant cross . In WW2 the Long Range Bomber expanded the limits of the combattant . The famous German Doctor Ferdinad Sauerbruch was Medical General der reserve in the Wehrmacht Heer . He was serving in Paris when he was awarded the Knight Cross with swords of the War Merit Cross . But with swords why? because the Allied Bombers had bombed the Headquarters of the Army Group in which Sauerbruch was Medical Counsellor
    5. As his father the Admiral , the Chief of the Naval Cabinet of Wilhelm II constant member of the Monarchs Entourage , the young von Muller made a Career more of Courtrier than a Soldier
    6. Good Luck ! the subjet is rather complicated
    7. In the year of 1848 Kaiser Franz Joseph was made Oberbefehlshaber of the Keksholm Leibgarde Regiment of the Imperial Russian Army . In 1898 being the 50 anniversary of Kaiser Franz Joseph as Chef of the Kexholm LG regiment he conceded the Medal that you shows . How many he gifted ? I dont know but you can guess of about 3000 pieces
    8. During 1914 and 1915 five Landwehr Cavalry Regiments were raised . numbered 1 later 10, 2 later 11 , 90 and 92 and i suppose that the fifth was the Garde Landwehr Cavalry Regiment the data is from Nigel Thomas book The German Army in World War One (3) 1917 1918 , ilustrated by Ramiro Bujeiro . i had copied literally except my supossition of the Garde Landwehr Regiment . Thomas said also that they used the uniform of their parent Regiment . its all
    9. A very nice and superior quality tunic !
    10. He was Transportation Chef of the Prussian Army before the war , then in 1914 Chief of Staff of the Seventh Army under General Josias von Heringen in 1915 Commander of the XIV AK and finally Chief of Staff acting Commander of the X AK in Hannover. please enter your search as follows : Karl von Haenisch the Prussian Machine . there you will find more data
      • Deutschritter About Oberst / General , Alfred Arent I found the following :  The 21st September 1899 by decree of President Julio Argentino Roca then Argentine President was decided to contract the " retired Cavalry Colonel of the German Army "  to organize the Escuela Superior de Guerra ( General Staff School ) . the rank of Argentinian Army General was not mentioned in the decree, of interest is to mention that the decree asigned 600 gold Argentinian pesos to Colonel Arent for expenses for him and his fellow officers contracted 
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      2. Bayern


        Deutschritter , I understand that the 600 gold pesos were for the voyage and other costs . not only of Colonel Arent but also of Kornatzki and  Roldan von Strunk. otherwise an yearly or monthly payment must have been stated . a Gold peso of 1899 was equal to 2, 28 Pesos Moneda Nacional which were equivalent to a US dollar . then Colonel Arent received 600 Us dollars , roughly 2 400 Reichsmarks . a good amount 

      3. Deutschritter


        Thanks for that. 2.400 Reichsmark at that time ... not bad! Do you know more about this Roldan von Strunk? I couldn't find anything about him. Here are some of the names I have, if you can add anything, that would be great:


        Deutsche Militärinstrukteure in Argentinien mit den Abkürzungen CM für „Colegio Militar“ (Kadettenschule), ESG für „Escuela Superior de Guerra“ (Kriegsakademie) und ET für „Escuela de Tiro“ (Schießschule). Ohne Zusatz nach dem Namen bedeutet fehlende eindeutige Zuordnung oder keine offizielle Anstellung beim Heer, sondern bei anderen Institutionen:

        1900 bis 1914:

        Oberst Alfred Arent (Leiter der ESG)

        Günther Bronsart von Schellendorf (ESG)

        Hauptmann Brüggemann-Ferno (ESG)

        Rudolf von Colditz (ESG)

        Hermann Denk

        Hauptmann Wilhelm Faupel (ESG)

        Franz von Gagern

        Friedrich Freiherr von der Goltz der Jüngere (ESG)

        Hauptmann Georg Felgenhauer (ESG)

        Haevernick (CM)

        Friedrich Heussler

        Johann Kestens

        Eberhard F. F. Kintzel

        Herbert von Kleist

        Hauptmann Wilhelm Hans Kretzschmar

        Gustav Adolf E. Moshack

        Hauptmann Etienne Perrinet von Thauvenay

        Herrmann von Pfistermeister

        Alfred W. Poten (ET)

        Ernst Pusch (ET)

        Major Rollo von Kornatzki (ESG)

        Albrecht Reinecke (ESG)

        Heinrich-Unico von Ripperda-Cosyn

        Hauptmann Richard Schlegner (CM)

        Hauptmann Bertrand Schunck (ESG)

        Hans Weiland

        Hans Wilde

        1921 bis 1935:

        Oberst Max Bauer

        Kurt von Döring (Luftwaffe, 1923–1926)

        Major Arno Golchert (Infanterieschule in Buenos Aires)

        Oberst Wilhelm Faupel (erneut 1921–1926)

        Oberst Fritz Heidrich

        Walter von Issendorff (1921–1927)

        Eberhard von Jagwitz (1924–1930)

        General Hans Kretzschmar

        Oberst Etienne Perrinet von Thauvenay

        Oberst Reuss

        Major Carl Schneider

        Major Rudolf Siber

        Major von Westernhagen

        1936 bis 1. August 1940 (insgesamt 115):

        Major Rudolf Berghammer (Kavallerie)

        Major Otto Kriesche (Luftwaffe)

        Major Joachim Hans Moehring (Quartiermeister)

        General Günther Niedenführ (Berater des argentinischen Generalstabs)

        Oberst Friedrich Wolf (Artillerie)

        Oberst Fritz Heidrich

        Walter von Issendorff (1921-1927)

        Eberhard von Jagwitz (1924-1930)

        General Hans Kretzschmar

        Oberst Etienne Perrinet von Thauvenay

        Oberst Reuss

        Major Carl Schneider

        Major Rudolf Siber

        Major von Westernhagen

        1936 bis 1. August 1940 (insgesamt 115):

        Major Rudolf Berghammer (Kavallerie)

        Major Otto Kriesche (Luftwaffe)

        Major Joachim Hans Moehring (Quartiermeister)

        General Günther Niedenführ (Berater des argentinischen Generalstabs)

        Oberst Friedrich Wolf (Artillerie)

      4. Bayern


        Deutschritter ,please excuse me, Roldan von Strunk or Roland was not part of Colonel s Arent mission . by via of a lapsus of mine i included his name. Strunk was an ex officer in the AH Cavalry during WW1 of Prussian birth and after the War in the Freikorps and  Black Reichswehr , friend of Hitler he served as counselor to the Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War . The member of the Arent mission was Bertrand Schunck. Your data about the German Officers that served in the Argentinian Army is better than the available in the Archives of the Argentinian Army Historical Service .  Herzliche Bayerische Grusse !

    11. Since July of 1957 the use of the WW2 Iron Cross was allowed to the recipients , veterans of war . But without the Swastika then, they were manufactured again
    12. A very strange thing , the man wears what looks like a Infantry Kunftigefriedens uniform , Field grey with red collar and brandenburg cuffs piped in white but with the Rank Insignias of a Oberleutnant in the Provisional Reichswehr , the stripes on the cuffs and the Shoulder cords or more properly achselschlinge , he too carries a Prussian officer Pickelhaube .
    13. GFM von der Goltz was send to Argentina in 1910 by the Kaiser as his personal representant to the 100 years conmemoration of Argentinian Independence . Its more than possible that he received some Argentinian Diplomatic decoration .
    14. The tall man with eagle on the lapel looks like Herr Ernst Putzi Hanfstaengl a close friend of Adolf Hitler from 1922 until 1937
    15. Hello , Prince Joachim is wearing the uniform of the 13th of Prussian Hussars , called the Hessische husaren . the officer with him probably is a former fellow officer of the Prince when he served in the First Foot Guards Regiment and not an aide
    16. Hello , The Peruvian Air Force adopted around 1939 Italian M 1933 steel helmets for use of the ground personnel and AA servers . The Army for their side weared Adrian Helmets . The Peruvian helmets carried on the front a radiant sun of about 60 mm of diameter . the colour of the Air force helmets was grey blue
    17. Hello , Deutschritter , Sehr interesant ! I think that Herr Trutzschler von Falkenstein was a Royal Prussian Hauptmann der Reserve but his Civilian ocupation was that of Chemist . I dont believe that he was a Stabsarzt or Oberstabarzt if so the caption of the pic will say Royal prussian Oberstabarzt or Stabsarzt , apart the uniform he wears is clearly not Medical . Thank you for your interest !
    18. A curiosity, on the picture of the GFM von der Goltz with a nurse and a officer with red cross armband ,calls my atention the fact that the officer wears the uniform of a Infantry Regiment with litzen on collar and Brandenburg cuffs and not the uniform of a Medical Corps doctor .
    19. I am almost sure that the number 5 is Admiral Georg Alexander von Muller who replaced in 1906 Admiral Gustav von Senden Bibran as Chief of the Naval Cabinet of Wilhelm II until 1918 , everywhere the Kaiser goes ,Von Muller was aside him
    20. Well , you have the reason , but the pic is not of after the 1870 war
    21. Hello , the man is a forester the date of the pic could be fix around 1860 / 1865 , the cut of the litewkas and the trousers , handmade both , the hat is also of old style with a round top
    22. I thik that the cap is not a transitional cap but a cap for Cyclist normally weared with goggles . your transitional caps were normally pillbox type forage caps in blue with red band to which some sort of peak was crudely added giving to the Infantry soldiers a unsoldierly appareance according to the words of General de Selliers the Belgian chief of staff at the beggining of the war
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