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    What is the weirdest thing you every found in the pockets of uniforms you bought?

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    Posted (edited)

    I know weird question too but occasionally I find odd items in tunics. The two weirdest I have found were both on officers? tunics. One had an old handkerchief in the top pocked with some old dried up herbs all wrapped up and tied in a knot. I though it was marijuana at first, lol. The second one I just found today when I finally opened the pockets on a tunic. It had confetti in the hip pocket. I guess he was celebrating the invasion of Poland, lol.

    Anyone else ever find something odd?

    Edited by NTZ

    Assume this is restricted to 3R German, so I have nothing to add. Have found very interesting stuff in British and Indian Army pockets . . . .


    Noone minds, Ed, feel free to post whatever you found here... there is no uniform Apartheid :P

    I on occasion have found old movie or theater tickets which I found kinda neat... the best I saw though, if I remember correctly (I think it was on WAF) was an 82nd Airborne, vietnam era one with some Nekkid photos of his then girlfriend.... but then, I am just a perv.... :jumping:


    The only thing I have found in the pocket of a uniform was a tortise shell comb in the inside pocket of an ID'ed DDR LtOberst tunic.


    In a 36th Div. tunic from 1918-letters from the mans' sister and a pocket bible-heavily worn and paged to funerals. Also a german pocket calender from 1917 with a death notice inside. the pocket calender was marked with names in blue pencil on dates-heavily marked in March, 1918-crosses next to most names-the days men in the german's unit died i suppose.


    6 Tram tickets (Austrian I believe) ...... Not exactly in the pockets.....more like in the fold at the end of the sleeve of a German field grey great coat. The nice thing is that I knew the person to whom the coat belonged. He was an Oberfeldwebel in with the Luftwaffe Flak/Anti aircraft and I spent several days besides him trying to figure out his story! Sadly, my phrase book was not a good enough tool. I also have his tunic, medals and other uniform insigna ..... Back to the sleeve contents! I never figured out when those tickets got there but i'd assume it was towards the end of the war after his POW days in Italy....unless he of course was still using his coat after the war - I know he still used his belt as the buckle bears an eagle with the Swastika filed down....

    Definitely not my area .... but one of the treasures from my younger collecting days which I will never ever part with!


    Posted (edited)

    Well this is turning out to be more interesting than I thought. Keep em coming guys. :beer:

    Oh, by the way I black lighted that confetti I found in the pocket, well the white confetti anyway. It was UV negative. LOL

    Edited by NTZ

    In the inside bandage pocket of a German Red Cross tunic (1930's pattern) was a type-written poem. Depessing though it was, I left it in the pocket when I sold off the tunic. Anyone have it out there?


    Condom tins. bright, happy and colorful. Quite valued in the US by tin collectors. About 25 of them.... US 7th Army Ike Jacket. Pretty cool!


    A German-issued ticket to a lecture - at the Acropolis in Athens! Dated 1943. Also a spare SS-marked button in a Heer NCO M36 pocket. And loose tobacco once, which was probably pretty hard to get.


    • 3 weeks later...

    In my one and only Heer tunic (an M43 from Hungary) I found fragments of onion skins. I took them out with a tweesers and put them in a protective baggie and labeled them - they were brittle - nearly like ashes byt that time. I can only imagine the poor fellow marching to the West to outrun the Red Army and chewed on onions that he found in a field to fill his belly. Next up I found a tram ticket for Budapest within the folds of a Hungarian NCO service cap.


    When I had German items, I once found in the medical pouch of an infantry HBT tunic a Soviet several thousand rouble note of the RSFSR going back to the 20's quite why he had it I don't know, but he sure as hell couldn't spend it.

    (I kept the note and sold the tunic!)


    In a Canadian Unification tunic that belonged to a freinds father, I found a bar to the CD Medal. I offered it back to my buddy, but he said his father had both bars to his CD.

    • 4 months later...

    6 Tram tickets (Austrian I believe) ...... Not exactly in the pockets.....more like in the fold at the end of the sleeve of a German field grey great coat. The nice thing is that I knew the person to whom the coat belonged. He was an Oberfeldwebel in with the Luftwaffe Flak/Anti aircraft and I spent several days besides him trying to figure out his story! Sadly, my phrase book was not a good enough tool. I also have his tunic, medals and other uniform insigna ..... Back to the sleeve contents! I never figured out when those tickets got there but i'd assume it was towards the end of the war after his POW days in Italy....unless he of course was still using his coat after the war - I know he still used his belt as the buckle bears an eagle with the Swastika filed down....

    Definitely not my area .... but one of the treasures from my younger collecting days which I will never ever part with!


    I have finally posted these tram tickets on:


    Jim :cheers:


    Cigar holder complete with cigar stub in an Vietnam era ERDL cam jacket. It stank of body odour and had what looked like a large blood stain just below the collar on the back.

    It came out of a pile of jackets and trousers, some marked with "Battle Field Recovery" or words to that effect in red lettering, it was a long while ago so I can't be more accurate than that. I know that other than the stain, my jacket was undamaged and unmarked.



    • 1 month later...

    Found a French/english phrase book and a couple of business cards for a garage in Oakland California (FOrest 23 if I remember right). They were in Army Signal Corps tunic from WWI.


    Found a French/english phrase book and a couple of business cards for a garage in Oakland California (FOrest 23 if I remember right). They were in Army Signal Corps tunic from WWI.

    That sounds like a really cool find! You should post the tunic and contents in a thread!



    That sounds like a really cool find! You should post the tunic and contents in a thread!


    Alas the tunic is no more, sold during desperate time.s :banger: I kept the book and cards, see if I can find them.


    Alas the tunic is no more, sold during desperate time.s :banger: I kept the book and cards, see if I can find them.

    I would love to see them! :jumping:

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