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    Here is a very late notice for one we don't have yet it seems:


    Lt dR Friedrich Craß from Hamborn 

    Hamborner Volkszeitung, 11.7.1920




    The Major "Marschalk", who got the HHOX in late 1918, puzzles me a bit. There is no "Marschalk" in the ERL. There were two Obersten "Marschalck von Bachtenbrock", but it can be neither Wilhelm, from DR 21 (he was already OTL by 1917), nor Arnold (a zD OTL). 

    Of the officers with name "Marschall", only one would fit: Alfred Ernst Erich Marschall from IR 132, born 13.3.1872 in Mescherin. 


    If it's not him, then it could only be one of the several Majore "Marschall von Bieberstein", but that would have meant several mistakes had been made in the MWB. 


    Ulrich Hugo Julius Materne, born 28. Dez. 1871 in Schroda, died in Preetz 13. Okt. 1954, as OTL aD (acc. to myheritage).



    Ernst Philipp Otto Mathi, born 6.11.1868 in Frankfurt/M., alive in 1939. 


    For the Hptm dR Mathieu from RIR 30, there are two possibilities, both in 1914 Lt dR from IR 30, both from Roden (brothers?): 


    - Nikolaus, born 1880 in Roden 

    - Adolf, born 1884 in Roden, died as Dr. jur., Amtsgerichtsrat in 1929, see death notice below



    It is Nikolaus. Adolf was apparently not a front officer. Nikolaus was wounded in 1915 as Adjutant of I./RIR 30.


    1903 Einjährig-Freiwilliger im IR 30
    27.01.06 Leutnant d.R. (I Essen)
    16.02.15 OLt.d.R., z.Zt. im RIR 30
    19.05.17 Hptm.d.R.
    27.12.18 entlassen


    Adolf's promotions:

    21.07.06 Leutnant d.R.
    22.05.15 OLt.d.R., z.Zt. beim Kriegsgefangenenlager Gießen
    12.08.18 Hptm.d.R., z.Zt. beim Ers./IR 65



      On 10/12/2020 at 15:35, Mattyboy said:

    Hi Daniel, 

    Make that 402! Rittm Walter Heymann (also served in Flieger Abt 256). From the Dresdner Nachrichten dated 14.01.1933. 


    Heymann, Walter.JPG



    Have you find when he received the HOH3X ? Thanks




    The Olt dR "Bennighoven" in our list is Dr. jur. Wilhelm Benninghoven, later also Prof. I couldn't find his living dates, but he is found as "Syndikus" during the 1920s in Essen, and in Essen address books until at least 1965. 


    Essener Volkszeitung, 22.10.1918




    Posted (edited)

    About Hptm dR Grzybowski from RFußAR 6: There were two Grzybowskis, both originally from the same regiment (FußAR1), one a regular, one a reserve. May have been related:


    - Paul Benjamin Karl RIchard, born 25.1.1871 in Mierunsken Kreis Oletzko, Major 1914, so the HHOX recipient cannot be him, died 1919. His father was August Grzybowski, pastor in Königsberg (1842-1922).

    - The other one was a reserve officer, in 1914 Lt dR, from Samter. He is most probably Friedrich August Grzybowski, born 8.2.1873 in Grabowken Kreis Sensburg (acc. to ancestry). He is found in a publication called "Die Leiter der preußischen Katasterämter bis ~1939" as being with Katasteramt Samter from 1905 to 1919, then Katasteramt Königsberg/Neumark from 1919-21, finally Katasteramt-Direktor in Berlin until 1937, when he retired. 


    Edited by webr55
      On 16/01/2021 at 18:53, webr55 said:

    This might be a new one: Lt dR Stumpf from Bentheim

    From Münsterischer Anzeiger, 5.11.1918


    Just a thought: Any chance that this is the later Flak Oberst Paul Stumpf (born 1893)?
    In the 1914 RL, there is a Lt dR Stumpf in FAR 25. 





    Confirmed: Lt dR Stumpf was Paul Stumpf. 


    Essener Volkszeitung, 29.10.1918




    Posted (edited)

    The other Stumpf, Hptm dR in LIR 77, can only have been Hans Heinrich Otto Stumpf, in 1914 Olt dR in IR 77. Born 2.12.1877 in Grabow/Lüchow, survived the war. 


    We had him here before btw:


    Edited by webr55

    And we have another Müller: Lt dR Joseph Müller from Bredeney/Essen 



    Essener Volkszeitung, 31.10.1918





    The Lt dR Kahlhardt from IR 172 is most probably Walter, born 7.9.1896 in Langensalza, wounded three times. 




    Hptm dR Klinnert was a tricky case. In 1914, he is in IR 63 as Hptm dR, from Posen. Not easy to find out more about him, but it looks like he was from Zoll. The Prussian "Zentralblatt" for Customs 1916 lists him in Schwersenz (Posen). Other sources ("Amtsblatt der Reichsfinanzverwaltung" etc.) show him as Zollinspektor in Remscheid after WW1, moving to Solingen in 1920. I finally find an "Oberzollrat Karl Klinnert" in the address book Krefeld 1931, I believe this is him. 


    Hello friends,


    thanks a lot!!!


    Lt dR Friedrich Craß - I am a bit reluctant to "believe" it.

    From the files in Doorn about awards of the HOH after 1918 there was only ONE heavly disucced case of a late award of a HOH3X for WW1. That was Hugo Rudel in 1927.


    Frhr. von Schade - my mistake! I did mix up 2 of that guys.




      On 09/06/2022 at 13:18, webr55 said:

    I finally find an "Oberzollrat Karl Klinnert" in the address book Krefeld 1931, I believe this is him. 



    You are absolutely right.





    Pfarrer Max Treichel got the HHOX as Divisionspfarrer, died in 1943.


    From Langenberger Zeitung, 26.11.1943.





    The first name for Hptm dR Menzel is Walter, from IR 19. His EK1 is noted in the 18th June 1915 edition of the Posener Tageblatt. His record on Ancestry states that he was born in 1880, and he died only a week before the end of WW1. 

    The verlustlisten gives his regiment as IR 154, but it gives the wrong year of birth. 


    Here is a photo from Ancestry:- 



    Menzel, Walter.jpg

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