the war aid cross was awarded ~ 500 000 times.
I have had 2 bars with the same shown combination.
The brunswicks on schwefelgelbem Bande are rarer to find, but not x-tremely rare.
the bar doesn`t fit with the IC on combatant ribbon and the frontkämpferehrenkreuz.
I am studying recipients with IC on non combatant ribbon. I have ~ 3000 names.
All recipients i found with an iron crescent on non combatant ribbon served at the homefront.
Sometimes they got the IC on non combatant ribbon,too.
in my opinion the crescent was added later.
i prefer the hessian solution.
i have a parade mounted medal bar + ribbon bar with an ID`d name.
He got the Iron crecent on non combatant ribbon.
Oberzahlmeister Adolph Bulle
Nice that you got it Tilo. I like it very much.
A stunning piece of german history!
The wendische Krone is a very rare decoration.
May be Dave could help you.
-Ehrenzeichen vom Roten Kreuz 2.Klasse KuK (oftmals an Offiziere verliehen)
-Rot Kreuz medaille Türkei Hilal i ahmer genannt vermutlich Silberstufe und ohne Eichenlaub
-Eiserner Halbmond für Kämpfer
I could trade this nice one with a collector`s friend.
There are not many non comb. bars of an reactivated 1866 veteran with RAO4 "50" and EK2 out there.
--> The declaration about the recipients of the medal. (Hessenthal / Schreiber)
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