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      • Military Cross (MC) (Geo.VI); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star bar: 8th Army; Italy Star; DM; WM (MID); ASM 26362 A.S. Arlington   MC LONDON GAZETTE 14 OCTOBER 1943 1st Imperial Light Horse - 26362 - T/Major Arlington, Arthur Shrapnel.  “For consistent gallantry, devotion to duty, and initiative during the period 23 October 1942 to 17 February 1943.” “During the attack on the enemy positions at El Alamein in the night 23/24 Oct., 42 owing to the depleted Officer strength of the Bn. Major Arlington, Adjutant of the Battalion, displayed great courage and initiative in making several personal reconnaissances of the enemy positions, despite very heavy enemy artillery, machine gun and mortar fire and brought back vital information which enabled the Bn. to effectively wipe out enemy opposition. Subsequently during the ensuing 10 days he repeatedly led reconnaissance parties through anti-personnel minefields into enemy territory, at times crawling up to within 15 yards of the enemy positions.   Information obtained by him resulted in the mopping up of an enemy strong point which had been left in the initial attack on the MITEIRA RIDGE. During this period he was continually under heavy artillery and machine gun fire but carried out his tasks with complete disregard of his personal safety and his example at all times was an inspiration to all ranks in the Battalion.”  Arthur Shrapnel Arlington was born in Durban 23 August 1912. First attested for service with the Imperial Light Horse 5 June 1940. Served “Up North” with the ILH from 8 May 1941. Appointed as Adjutant 14 July 1942, Temporary Major confirmed 22 June 1942. Served with distinction throughout the north African campaign with his Regiment and returned 2 January 1943.   Volunteered for further active service, went “Up North” with the combined I.L.H./ K.R. on 2 October 1943. Commanding “B” Company of the combined Regiment they underwent further training in Egypt as part of the new South African 6th Division.   Transferring from Egypt their Italian campaign commenced in April 1944.   Wounded on 30 June 1944 but remained on duty as second in charge to Lt. Colonel Reeves More. Promoted 2 I.C. of ILH/KR November 1944 and in February 1945 assumed Command of the Regiment while Lt. Col. More was in hospital. Mentioned in Despatches 1945 for work during the Italian campaign. He died in Johannesburg 28 February 1960. 
      • Military Cross (MC) (Geo.VI) reverse dated 1944; Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) (Geo.VI) 6968295 A. Sgt. D.A. Main Rif. Brig.; 1939-45 Star; Africa Star bar: 8th Army; Italy Star; DM; WM; Efficiency Medal (Geo.VI) Lt. D.A. Main, M.C. D.C.M. R.B.   DCM LONDON GAZETTE 1 JUNE 1943 The DCM citation is worded as follows: “Sergeant Main was a member of the company ordered to capture a pass. The company came under heavy machine gun fire soon after the commencement of the advance and was temporarily held up by a machine gun post fifty yards to the right flank.   Sergeant Main, on his own initiative, led his section to the attack and silenced the gun, being wounded in the thigh. He then continued successively to silence four more machine gun posts, killing most of the crew in each case, which were causing casualties on the right flank.   Throughout, Sergeant Main acted entirely on his own imitative without waiting for orders from a superior officer. He continued fighting with his company, in spite of his wound, until ordered to withdraw.”   MC LONDON GAZETTE 7 DECEMBER 1944 The MC citation is worded as follows: “For conspicuous gallantry during a counter attack on Monte Castiglion Maggio.   On the morning of the 7th July, 1944, 2nd Lieut Main’s company was consolidating on a reverse slope position at the top of Maggio when an enemy counter attack developed.   Leading elements of the enemy had advanced to within fifteen yards of the company position when an officer charged forward with a section to drive them back, but was mortally wounded by a sniper.   2nd Lieutenant Main immediately went forward to him, shot the German sniper and then advanced upon the enemy himself, firing his T.S.M.C. from the hip.   He killed the Germans and forced the remainder to retire over the hill. Throughout this time enemy small-arms fire was heavy, but 2nd Lieut. Main arranged for the evacuation of the wounded and did not return to dead ground until his task was completed.   It was due to 2nd Lieut. Main’s gallantry that the counter attack was repulsed and control of the height regained.” Donald (Don) Alan Main was born in North London on 18 November 1919. He attended the local Grammar School. He joined the London Brigade of the Territorial Army in 1938. His Brigade was affiliated to the Rifle Brigade and before long he was mobilized with the Territorial Army on 1 September 1939. In 1967 his Commanding Officer, later Major General D.L. Darling, D.S.O., M.C. wrote as follows: “I took over command of the 7th Bn The Rifle Brigade in December 1942 and commanded until the end of the war.   During his period I knew Donald Main very well as he was an outstanding subaltern in every possible way. I gather he had joined the battalion either at the beginning of the war or shortly before the outbreak of hostilities and he accompanied them to the Middle East in May 1942.   The battalion arrived in Egypt in July 1942 and was in action at El Ruweisat on 21st July 1942. Donald Main took part in this operation and also in the Alam Halfa battle at the end of August 1942.   He took part in the battle of El Alamein and in the subsequent advance to Tunis. He was awarded he DCM for conspicuous gallantry at El Hamma on 31st March 1943.   He left us to be commissioned at the Middle East OCTU sometime between May 1943 and April 1944, when he accompanied the battalion to Italy. He gained the Military Cross as an Infantry Platoon Commander at Monte Maggio on 7th July 1944.   I think he was wounded whilst out on patrol at the end of October 1944 but rejoined 7 RB in time to be a Carrier Platoon commander for the final advance across the River Po into Austria.   So far as I remember he was still in 7 RB when I gave up command in June 1945. My last recollection of him was accompanying me in the 7 RB detachment in the Victory Parade in London.”   Donald Main married Urmila Margaret Joyce Bowden in 1950 and died in Cape Town in 1995.
      • Nono, thats a complete misunderstanding and thats far away from my intentions. I am very happy with all the help from you and all the others.   Lets clear that via telephone?   Best, Daniel
      • Military Medal (MM) (Geo.V) 72664 SJT J. Packer. R.F.A.;  1914 Star bar 5th Aug.-22nd Nov. 1914 72664 Gnr. J. Packer. R.F.A.;  BWM; AVM (Brit.) 72664 SJT J. Packer. R.F.A.;  DM unnamed as issued;  LS&GC Medal (Geo.V) bar Regular Army  1036874 W.O. Cl II J. Packer. M.M. R.F.A.  MM LONDON GAZETTE 11 FEBRUARY 1919 John Packer entered France on 18.8.1914. With 34th Brigade R.F.A. formed with 22nd, 50th and 70th Batteries, and attached to 2nd Infantry Division.    On 5 August 1914, it was mobilised and was sent to the Continent with the British Expeditionary Force, where it saw service with 2nd Division until 1917. On 25 January 1917, 34th Brigade left 2nd Division to become an army-level artillery brigade.   In November 1918 34th Army Brigade RFA was serving with Third Army.    MM L.G. 11 Feb. 1919.” 72664 Sjt. Packer, J., 70th By., 34th A. Bde. (Dalston, E.)”
      • @lew, Good Morning, I agree that the cross looks like typical Scharffenburg. This was one of my first loves when I started down the Imperial Path so long ago. I still remember the first purchase. A medal bar with EK2, Merit Order2, Albert2 and Honor Cross. Came with all documents from US eBay for a mere $275. Not even sure how it caught my eye but I remember seeing it, thinking gee, that’s neat and opening the package. When I had it in my hands, I was hooked. The enamel work of the Merit Order was a favorite. Once upon a time I actually had a Merit Order RK1, first type, in a beautiful green case. Gold embossed trim and a little hook to close the case. Ralph Abercrombie bugged me for years to give it up to him and I eventually traded it to him. I wonder what ever became of it after he passed. Only cased example I ever saw.
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